The feast

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Hi I have edited this so hopefully it makes more sense now

When they arrived in the station the five left to train Sirius as a dog and got in to the carriage with Ginny and the twins who had got of the train in front of them.
Once they arrived at the castle Sirius turned back into a man and walked with Remus to the staff table. As people came in there was whispers, all seemed conserved to see the convicted mass murder, even if he was innocent.
"Merlin he's an ex convicted murder not a sceptical in the Zoo" Ginny said loudly to Harry as the sorting finished. Everyone had been whispering about Sirius and it was annoying her.
"I know it's bothering me two but he seems to be lapping it up. Let's eat before your brother finishes all the food." Harry said squeezing her hand before beginning to fill his plate.

"Now that we have all eaten we have two changes in staff this term. First Remus Lupin will be taking defence against the dark arts and second Sirius Black will be taking care of magical creatures. Now off to bed." Said Dumbledore. (I know that Hagrid got the job in the books but I want Sirius teaching and would you really trust Sirius with first and second years in defence)
"Harry" Sirius called suddenly as the students left the hall "come with me so you know where I am." Harry followed Sirius and Ginny came with him while Ron and Hermione went to the common room and there warm beds.

"The password is prongs so is Remus'. Come in and have a hot chocolate before you two go to bed and Harry I'm I going to be introduced to this young lady or not?"
"oh right Sirius this is Ginny Weasley. Gin this is my Godfather Sirius Black. Better?" Sirius laughed as he took Ginnys hand and as the gentleman he was kissed it. This mad the twelve year old blush pink. Then Siri waved his wand and three hot chocolates appeared, they sat and m drank them, talking about quidditch until Remus arrived and collapsed into a chair. After a minute of silence he moved taking Sirius cup and draining it.
"You two should go to bed. I'll take you so you don't get in trouble. Come on you need rest two Remus go and sleep then see Poppy in the morning for something." Sirius said Remus made a noise but it didn't look like he was moving any time soon so the three left him there heading for the tower.
When Sirius returned he found Remus asleep in his bed so he turned into a dog and slept at the foot guarding his friend.
Sirius Black had lost to mush to get to where he was now and God help the man that tried to take anymore from him than that.

Hope you like let me know 😀😀

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