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   Eight days, five hours, twelve minutes, and three seconds. The amount of prolonged time I've waited. Waiting for them to come back. It feels much longer than it actually has been. Numb from being static for the extensive period, my body no longer screaming in agony. I've stared at this bland, spiderweb infested wall for far too long, eyes stinging from not blinking enough and the dusty air causing my lungs to burn with irritation. 

   Sleep had not been easy these past days, having innumerable thoughts and questions racing through my head. Why did they take my parents? They were good people, they weren't thieves, they always went with what the law said to do. I just don't understand. No one had ever thought of my parents as foul, impertinent people.

   Though, I knew that the same people would come back. And this time it'd be for me. I just never knew when. Eight days, six hours, three minutes, and fifty two seconds. That's when they came back. They raided the house. Taking anything and everything they wanted. That's when they found the basement door hidden under the kitchen rug. The place I once called a play space as a child. 

   Once they realized that someone was down here, they went ballistic. Shouting, hooting, calling me nasty names. I didn't even know what they where calling me. I was in too much of shock to even fight back as one of them grabbed me by the hair. "Get up you filthy Jew!" He spat in my face getting a better grip on my hair and pulling me to stand up.

   The rest of the them began shouting the phrase "filthy Jew" at me. But I am no Jew. Even if I was, why would it be so wrong? They began pushing me towards the stairs of the basement. My mind spinning, no longer thinking straight. Numbness consumed my body and I just began doing what was demanded.

    But the more it sunk in, the more I began to struggle, they were taking me away. "No! Please! No!" Soon enough we were outside of the house in the freezing temperatures. "Get off of me you-" I tried to shove at one of the guys which only resulted in getting a hard slap to the face.

   My body resembling as rag doll's, I was thrown into the back of their truck. A group of jews were seated in the back along with me, gold stars pinned to their winter coats. They all had tear stained, rosy cheeks and petrified looks on each of their faces. My expression did not falter. A blank stare settled on my face. They all looked at me with pity in their eyes. "What?" I seethed at the women next to me. They all turned their gazes elsewhere.

   The howling of the wind mixing with the snow kept me collected, so I closed my eyes till cold droplets landed among my face

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   The howling of the wind mixing with the snow kept me collected, so I closed my eyes till cold droplets landed among my face. As the white frost began to fall from the black sky a deep gut feeling told me this journey was going to be hell.

(A/N)  the rest of the chapters are going to be much longer don't worry. There's so much planned for this story. hope you've enjoyed ;)

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