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Hey I'm Machine Gun Kelly a.k.a. MGK I'm 26 years old. I'm a rapper. I have no kids . I hang with young money crew and tyga,Chris Brown,Rob derdek, trey songs,and future. I live in this huge house in the east coast. I get lonely some times so I'm thinking of adopting a kid . And I live by an HUGE orphanage

Brianna POV
So I'm a 15 year year old orphan and I hang with them as my friend named Xavier and savanna Alexis Chloe Maria Britney Ashley Mary and Kayla my birthday is March 13 and my orphanage is in the east coast .

Xavier POV
So I'm 15 year old orphan and I think with them as a friend in Savannah Alexis Chloe Maria Britney Ashley Mary and Kayla's birthday is November 2 and my orphanage is in the East Coast.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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