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This is The_Awkward_Panda.

Now, if you are wondering why I write "This is The_Awkward_Panda" on some of the chapters, it's because I'm helping Kitty_Potato write this amazing book. I write some chapters, and she writes some chapters.

I give full credit to Kitty_Potato for all chapters (unless if she says otherwise) because she's my best friend and she's the one who created the book "Pyscho" in the first place.

Now onto the story!!


The sixth period bell rang. School was over. Instead of going home or hanging out with friends, like all the other eighth graders and the majority of the middle school kids do at the end of the day, she had to go to dance classes.

Always dance classes.

I wish I could go and hang out with my friends or go home and at least do homework, Maya thought.

She walked out of her science class and headed to the locker room to change into her dance clothes. That day, she wore a pink shirt that read, "Live, Love, Dance." She also wore her black leggings, black knee pads, and her black high tops.

As she walked out of the locker room, Gianna was standing in front of the locker room.

She's always here before me, Maya thought. It's like if she's always waiting for me or something.

Stella~Senpai wasn't at practice that day. She was home sick. Luckily, her best friend Bella walked out the locker room at the right time.

"Hi Maya!" Bella beamed.

"Hey Bella!" Maya replied.

"So... What's up?" Bella asked.

"Well, today I got an A on my-" Maya was saying before she got rudely interrupted.

"Hey, Bella! What's up?" Gianna interrupted.

For some reason, Maya felt incredibly uncomfortable, and stared down at the ground.

"Uh, hi." Bella said, obviously disinterested.

"Oh my gosh, you will not believe what happened today. So there was this guy-" Gianna was saying before Bella shut her down.

"Um, I was actually sorta talking to Maya, and you kinda interrupted, so can you let us continue our conversation please?" Bella said.

"Fine..." Gianna groaned.

Maya was still looking down at the ground. Whenever Gianna was around, Maya would always feel down. She wouldn't be confident or loud or happy like she usually was around her friends. Around her, she would just feel... insecure. (True story though.)

Maya could start to feel tears form in her eyes, and she tried not to let them spill. She had cried so many times in front of everybody, and Bash had even called her out about it.

Standing in front of the locker room was Ms. Tara, the supervisor of the people who ran these after-school dance classes.

"Everybody can walk to the lunch tables now." Ms.Tara said.

Maya and Bella started to walk to the lunch tables.

"Maya, can you stay here please?"

"Uh, okay."

Once she said that, Gianna turned her head and tried to listen in on the conversation, not to mention, she gave Maya a dirty look.

"Gianna, walk to the lunch tables please." Ms. Tara said.

"Okay!" Gianna put on her "good girl" act and walked away.

"You've been kinda distant lately, are you okay?" Ms. Tara asked.

Maya could feel the tears form again. "Yeah... I'm good."

"If you need anyone to talk to, you can always talk to me, or Bash." Ms. Tara said.

No. I cannot talk to Bash about this, he would never believe me. To be honest, Gianna is also one of Bash's little "teacher's pets." Maya thought.

"I'm fine." I said, tears nearly spilling out.

"Okay, but if you need to talk..."

Maya left and went to walk to the lunch tables.

Before she was about to sit down, she heard Gianna running her mouth.

"Oh my god, she totally ratted on me. She totally did, didn't she? Well, I expected that from her, she's just a cry baby. She's not even a good dancer." Gianna said.

The tears poured down her face. She ran to the bathroom. Gianna and all the  dance kids saw her, including Bella.

"That's not cool," Bella said.

"It was just a joke. I didn't actually think she was going to cry, even though she does every day." Gianna said.

When the dance kids walked into the dance room, everyone walked in, but Bash stopped Maya.

"Maya, are you okay? Have you been crying, what's with your eyes? Or are you sick?" Bash said.

"Uh, I'm sick." Maya lied.

"Ew, get away from me." Bash said and covered his mouth.

"Oh, are you okay?" Gianna said, trying to sound sincere.

"I'M FINE." Maya said obviously mad.

After practice, Maya's mom picked her up.

When she got home, she got a text from Bella.

Bella 😍: Are u okay?

Maya: Yeah I'm fine

Bella 😍: it's Gianna, isn't it? Don't worry about her, she's just mean. You need to stay strong 💪

Maya: Okay, thanks. ☺️

Bella 😍: No prob, I'm here for u.

Maya went on Instagram, pretty bored. Then she saw something she didn't expect to see.

gianna_is_fabulous liked your photo. [2 seconds ago]

Why is she liking my photos if she hates me in person? Maya thought. The tears started to pour again.

gianna_is_fabulous liked your photo. [2 seconds ago]


gianna_is_fabulous liked your photo. [2 seconds ago]


gianna_is_fabulous liked your photo.
[2 seconds ago.]



Yes, Gianna is somewhat of a real person. But her real name isn't actually Gianna.

And no, it does not start with a G.
The name was just totally random.

Bai... >.<


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