Wake Me Up

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What? Two updates in one week? I dunno guys, I've just been in such a SaboAce mood lately, and then I heard the song Wake Me Up by Ed Sheeran, and I just had to write it. Trust me, my thumb was not happy with me for spending two and a half hours jotting it all down in my notebook. For clarification, the song lyrics are all italicized and centered. I hope you enjoy! (:

Beta'd by the super lovely amazing shishiswordsman as usual (seriously she's my savior, so go read some of her stuff on fanfiction.net! That's some quality ZoLu right there)


Ace smiled softly as he looked at the quietly resting blond in his arms. He looked so relaxed, so utterly at peace that Ace's heart skipped a beat thinking about how this beautiful man was his.

I should ink my skin with your name

He knew that it was a bad idea, even worse than an office romance. There were far too many horror stories of people who'd gotten their lover's name tattooed onto their body, only for the relationship not to work out. They would be forever reminded of the mistake they'd made as a young, impulsive teenager or forced to cover it up with another tattoo somehow.

Only, Ace couldn't possibly see himself with anybody but Sabo. Maybe he'd get a small tattoo then, or one that wasn't just Sabo's name but a small tribute to him. He wanted to show the entire world how proud he was to be dating Sabo, the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

And take my passport out again

And just replace it

Ace hadn't told anybody yet, but his requested time off from work had finally been approved. He carded his fingers through Sabo's hair gently, trying to think of what to do with the free time. The possibilities were limitless and there was no shortage of things they could do together.

Sabo made a low noise in the back of his throat at the contact, shifting but not waking. Ace's heart fluttered at the small smile playing on the blond's lips, and he adjusted the blanket, making sure that Sabo was properly covered. It wouldn't do for him to get cold now, would it?

See, I could do without a tan

On my left hand,

Where my fourth finger meets my knuckle

That was something else Ace had been considering for a while. Friends since birth turned high school sweethearts and more, Ace had known for a long time that he was in love with Sabo. It was a thought that came as naturally as breathing, and never failed to fill his chest with pure happiness.

Once upon a time, Ace had been afraid of commitment, apprehensive of the idea of settling down and spending the rest of his life in one place. They'd talked about their future before, considered what kind of life they wanted together when they were old and wrinkly, but with Sabo, Ace had never really thought of it as commitment. It didn't feel like giving away his freedom and tying himself down, it felt like an opportunity to spend more time with his favorite person.

There was something liberating about knowing that no matter what, there would always be somebody by his side. Even after no less than twenty years, Ace was still learning new things about Sabo, and he believed that he would never grow tired of the blond's presence. It was small moments like this, when they fell asleep in each other's arms, so tangled up that it was hard to distinguish where one of them ended and the other began, that Ace felt safest.

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