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There I sat. A 13 year old girl with a pristine uniform and impeccable Swedish braid flowed down and stretched out along my shoulders. I started down at the paper infront of me.
Could hey honestly be serious. I mean what nut jobs would leave a minor unattended for an entire month, with a complete stranger.
Well..those nut jobs are my parents. Kathy and Gerald Hill, owners of the Hillside Airline company. One of the best companies world-wide. And of course they had to make a stop at every airport world-wide, just on my birthday.
And for me, my name is Serena May Hills. Serena named after my mothers best friend, May for my birth month. And Hills because I just had to be he offspring of these "loving" parents.
But whatever. I'm 13. An only child which I practically have our lonely hillside manor to myself.
Which is gonna get a whole lot lonely now. "Mummy, do you have to go with Father? I mean it is my birth month and all, and what happens if I need something?" I ran into my mothers room to see her packing.
"Serena we have informed you already that this is necessary," she stopped and brushed a blond hair out of my face. "And plus you will be left with Montreal's best babysitting services, so there is no need to worry." She returned to packing.
I slummed out the room and returned back to my own. The sheet of paper lay on my bed still, looking as simple as a cigar in father's mouth, but as terrifying as cancer. I picked it up and flung it on my light yellow desk.
I love my parents, but they need to learn how to be more like parents and not like rodents always moving around the place.
Sleep soon washed over me as I lay in my queen sized bed thinking.

The monitor screamed waking me. "Serena please join us for dinner." My father said on his husky voice.
Even though I didn't want to get up, I reluctantly arose and started making my way to the dining room.
I sat in the middle of the 20 seater table and patiently waited for dinner to be served.
"Lobster tails with stuffed cream and Romana apazeti!" Our chef Maurice declared, serving large portions to Mum and Father.
He came around to my side and slipped my some Fettachini Alfredo. "Thank you Maurice." I whispered.
"Anything Miss. Serena." He whispered back before leaving.
I slowly twirled my pasta around the plate, as a dance to the song of the silence.
"Serena dear, we have something for you!" My father huffed and gestured towards the door.
I looked up and glanced over to see Maurice holding the new Galaxy x0 phone.
I laughed, "What?" I said with a bit of a tone.
"Serena Lower your voice, it's not lady like!" My mum starred me down.
I scoffed, "like leaving your daughter alone on her birthday is lady like!"
This time father intervened. "Ping lady you should be happy! We spent a days worth of savings to get this for you. So apologize to your mother right now!" He demanded.
Maurice looked uncomfortable and slowly slipped out the room, setting the phone next to me.
"You are right, I'm very sorry." I paused, "I'm sorry that I have you two as parents!" I screamed and ran from the table to my room.
I shut the door and locked it. I curled up and cried into my pillow. I heard mum and father talking outside and a shuffle of feet. After 5 minutes they were gone.
I slowly got up and walked to the door. I slowly turned the knob and closed it gently back.
I needed clearance.
I tiptoed past their room and snuck to the balcony.
The fresh sea air greeted me as I made my way out. I climbed on the ledge and hopped up to the low roof.
The glittering spark of the sea waves at my presence, as the moonlight put a direct spot on me. My golden locks flowed behind me.
"Why can't I just have a normal life." I sighed.
"Because Miss Serena, you are special." Maurice's voice said from the balcony. He knew just where to find me.
"But why can't they just pay attention to me sometimes?"
"Well...I think what they are doing is to ensure you have a bright future."
"But-" I was cut off.
"We can talk about this tomorrow, it is getting pretty late." I peeked over the edge and Maurice stood firm, waiting for me.
"Fine!" I reluctantly jumped back down and walked inside my room. I closed the door.
I opened it back and looked out. "Maurice, promise me you'll never leave me."
I heard a sigh "Yes I promise, I will never leave you. Now please go to bed."
"Okay Goodnight." I called out and closed back the door. I dove right into bed and stared out the window.
The Stars always traveling always on a new adventure. Someday I want to be a star.
I continued staring out the window as everything started going blurry.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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