A teacher in many ways

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I sat in my corner far enough from Loki  for the both us. It wasn't that we couldn't get along in fact we got a long to well if that. Sure we bickered and made fun of each other but we did it almost out of amusement. We both liked our space.

"Thats one of the mortal songs is it not?" Loki's voice made me jump from my day dreams.

I looked over at him confused, "huh?" I tilted my head.

He raised a brow, "you had been humming mozart." He gave me that amused look again.

I blinked then laughed lightly, "oh sorry haven't had much alone time. So I forgot that I hum when Im thinking." I replied to him with a smile.

He smirked, "oh you can actually think?" He said it trying to jab at me.

I rolled my eyes, "yes very often. Actually.... Speaking of mozart..." I fiddled with my fingers looking away from him. "I heard you play the piano?" I asked him slowly looking over at him again.

He had a book glued to his face suddenly he didn't reply or even move for that matter.

He is ignoring me?! I frowned and got up I walked silently across the floor. "Loki.... Why are you ignoring me?!" I said it plopping down on the floor at his feet. When he still didn't reply I glared up at him and stood up. I sat on the couch turning so that my head rested on his lap. "Fine Ill just wait here until Loki returns." I said it and closed my eyes.

"Yes I play what does it matter?" He said it trying to sound as smart assy. He actually sounded happy almost... Don't know.... He sounded caught off guard.

"Well... I wanted to ask you something..." I could feel my face growing red already. "But with you disliking me so much..." I tried to joke.

He sighed, " I don't dislike you.... Now ask me before your beating around the bush drives me mad. "

I opened my eyes looking up at him, "could you teach me? " I asked quickly.

It slowly sank in from the look on his face, " why would you want me to?" He asked confused.

I shrugged, "your one of a few that actually even knows what a damn piano is.... And also I would much rather it be you then some stranger." I said it fiddling with a strand of my hair.

"And how has Thor and the great king reflected on this?" He asked a bit annoyed.

"Well... Ive mentioned the instrument and being taught. I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't mind." I told him closing my eyes again.

He snorted, " so the young princess does have a concern for others." He mumbled it. "Whats in it for me?" He asked.

"Time out of this cell?" I said it back just as plainly. I yawned and started to feel tired.

"Sure but you better figure it all out on your own princess." He said it in a sassy tone.

I smirked, "oh Ill think of something." I said it starting to doze off.

"What am I your couch?! Get off-" Loki had started but I was already asleep.


"Your a damn fool Thor." Loki's voice woke me.

"How so brother?" My dad asked almost offended.

"Well for one you still view me as your brother and your simply a fool. There is no need for reasoning behind that." Loki said it amused.

My father stayed silent as I felt like I was moving, "Loki... She resembles you more than me in ways."

"Its probably her intelligence." Loki said it back smartly.

I opened my eyes, " you can put me down now." I said it to my dad. He sat me on my feet.

"Sorry dear didn't mean to wake you." My dad said it ruffling my hair. "You really need to shower go."

I glared at him, "thanks... Lets go then." I said it stretching my arms above my head. I scratched my arm and waved at Loki, " bye! "

Then I stopped and turned to my dad, "I almost forgot.... Remember how I wanted to play the piano?" I asked tilting my head remembering my walk with my dad a while ago. Hopefully he hadn't forgotten already.

My dad rubbed his chin and nodded, "yes that magic box from earth." He said it and smirked.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "yes well I need a teacher and well frankly the only one who I would care to teach me is... Well Loki...." I said it looking between the two of them.

Loki looked almost caught off guard. He must not have expected me to actually go threw with it.

My dad looked at Loki then me, " Ill have to speak to my father about it... But there is a chance he may agree to it." He said it looking worried. I mean I would be worried to if my daughter wanted to take lessons from a evil mastermind.

I smiled and walked with my father out of the prison cell. " bye Loki, Ill visit soon." I winked as the door slammed closed and he rolled his eyes.

I smirked and we left the dungeon, " so since my punishment is up Im guessing I have lots to do?" I asked it with my hands behind my back. I figured I would have a lot of catching up to do.

He sighed, "yes mostly on your studies. Also your grandfather wants to speak with you." He said it looking tired.

I frowned, "I hope you haven't been stressing a lot." I patted his arm.

He shook his head, " no its just I've been thinking about my past..." He trailed off.

I frowned at him, "well I'm going to get cleaned up and Ill meet you in the thrown room alright?" I said it wanting to give him some space.

He nodded and headed off without another word. He really was deep in thought... Thats odd to see with him.

I headed back to my room feeling off about something...

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