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I am a 13 year old girl. My name is Natalka, and this introduction is really awkward. So what should I say about myself? I play the ukulele, I'm weird, (that was redundant) and yes I know twenty one pilots. I say literally like Dan Howell. Litrally. If I could pick my top five people to go on a road trip with, it would include:

• l Fantastic Foursome (as one person)
• my best friend Claudia
• my other good friends Emmy and Ella (because they are awesome and would be so much fun on a road trip)
• idk who else

I am a Phan shipper, but not a crazy "PHAN IS REEEL!!!!!" shipper. I just think they are perfect together.

Also, I am sometimes so incredibly awkward and socially inept. Just like three minutes ago, I went to get a Gatorade from the lunch line. I meant to get orange like I always do because they don't have yellow, but I wasn't looking when I went to grab it. I paid for it and went back to my seat before realizing that it was the purple kind. I hate the purple kind. I hadn't even opened it yet, but I felt so bad about grabbing the wrong type that I just started drinking it. Ahh the awkwardness.

The weird thing is, sometimes I have bursts of confidence, and I can speak to strangers more easily than to people I kind of know. Like I feel comfortable going up to strangers and talking to them, but when it comes to people I might see again, well, no.

I also normally eat lunch in the library, but it was closed today due to stupid standardized testing, and so was the guidance office. So I was forced to brave the cafeteria. Yuck.

Anyhoo, I'm going to end this chapter now as my teacher is looking at me weird, I'm hoping I can just kinda use this as a platform to get my opinions out there. Ciao!

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