Hatred Surrounded by Love (1)

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A/n- fixed some of the "you're"s. It should make more sense now

You're laying there comtemplating the meaning of life. Your body hurts all over. You try to keep the tears from coming but its harder then you thought.

'Why?! Why did you do this?!' A voice in your head screams. You grab the sides of your head and sob silently to yourself trying not to wake anyone around you.

Your family and loved ones surround you. Even a few of your teachers and students you dont even know from school came to stay with you. They know you though. They have been watching you because they either had a crush on you or wanted to know you better. They never actually met you. They were just worried. All these loving people were there for you.

'You dont deserve them. You dont deserve any of this.'

You silence the thoughts in your head as you try to calm your self down. Your pillow was now soaked with tears.

Thats when you heard it. Foot steps...
They were getting louder and faster...
Clack clack clack clack clack...

They were coming closer. Your heart began to race.

'Im begging you god or gods! Whatever! Just please anyone but him! Dont let it be him...'

Now you could here it wasn't just one set of feet but two. You cringe at the thought of both of them being here. Tears sting your eyes as you pray to any god asking for anyone but them.

You hear silence. For a second you think there might actually be a god.

The figure enters the room and you scream internally. The fringe gave them away. He looked to you in the dark. He caught you in the moon light from the window. Showing all your injuries. Then you see his face withdraw to a surprised look. He gasps and covers his mouth like a woman. His breathing can be heard from across the room.

You look away in shame. You try thinking of something more pleasant then the situation but, your brain being your brain it goes to the first time you guys met making you feel even worse...


It was VidCon. This was your first year. You were so excited. All these panels were set up and you were going to meet so many fans.

Starting your youtube not even a year before you had 2 million viewers and growing. You were on your way to your last panel of the day. Running down the hallway you try to make it there on time. Of course you were running late because you wanted to say HI to every fan and now you were off schedule.

As you were running down, a man jumps out in front of you. You and your group of VidCon producers slow down, but your clumsy butt runs right into the man. You fall onto your buns, looking up to shout at him you see it was Phil Lester.

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok? Im so sorry." He apologizes frantically helping you to your feet. You marvel in his existence. Being a huge fan and him being one of the reasons you became a youtuber, you begin to fangirl.... just a little bit.
Ok no like a LOT!
"Oh no please I'm terribly sorry. I didnt even see you (<- lie) Please forgive me Phil." You spit out rapidly.

Phil just giggles, "You're too cute."

You feel your face burn. Then you tuck a lock of your hair behind your ear in embarrassment. You look down trying to hide your blush from Phil as he smiles.

"Phil!" Someone calls out. You recognize to voice. You then panic inside for a moment. You look up and fix your hair as he comes closer. "We're gonna be late if you don't..."

Dan stops where he is. He stares at you. He locks eyes with you, a look of astonishment on his face, he then whispers like his breath was tooken away, "Wow..."

Your face burns even brighter then before. You hide your face by looking down with your hair falling in place.

You can't see it but Dan realizes that he was speaking his thoughts aloud. He blushes and cringes. Then he smacks his forhead walking away out of embarrassment.

"Um... ok. Well let me just tell you," Phil grabs your shoulder, and pulls you close to him. "Ive seen some of your videos and you're pretty funny. If you're ever in London we should do a collab."

Your head shoots up. You feel your eyes sparkle with excitement. "Really?!"

Phil smiles, "Yeah. Here." He pulls out a small piece of paper. Then he writes something and hands it to you. "Here's my number." He points the pen at it. "And here's Dan's. Just call if your ever in London."

One of your producers comes behind you and pulls you from Phil telling you how late you are. You wave to Phil and he waves back with a giggle.


You're brought back to reality. To the seriousness of the situation you're in. You want to cry from the memory of happier times.

Dan walks around some of the people sleeping in chairs making his way towards you. With Phil behind him they stand next to both of your bed sides. You look around sighing, seeing no one has awaken.

Tears stung your eyes again as you look to your lap. You watch the drops hit your blanket, your gown, the skin on your arms in between the bandages. You see the blanket looks darker little,by little.

You didnt want to look at them. Neither of them, or see their expressions. They were supposed mad at you. You were supposed to leave. They were supposed to forget about you. They werent supposed to be here! You didnt want any of this. You wanted to be alone...

You clench your fists in frustration as the room stays silent. Suddenly you're pulled into a light but loving embrace from both of them. Thats when you let go and begin to sob into one of their shoulders.

"Im sorry!," You sob into one of their shoulders. Your jagged breathes make it hard to breath. But you just keep saying, "Im so so sorry!"


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