A Sign...

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I wake up and Kyle isn't in the room anymore, "K-Kyle?" I ask as I leave the bed and start to head to the kitchen. "Where are you..." I whisper to myself. He's in the kitchen, making breakfast while singing and dancing. "Y-yeah shake that tail," I giggle and blush.

He sighs, "I hope Cyrus likes this...He doesn't like meat so I made pancakes, fruit salad, and toast. I'm sure he'll love it....and if he doesn't at least I tried." My friend sets the meal on a tray and turns around to see me standing there, blushing. "Oh h-hey Phoxie! Um...how long have you been there?"

"I-I um...well...I..." I blush extremely red and hide in the bathroom.

"Ah! N-no Cyrus, I mean Phoxie," he sets the tray down and runs to the bathroom door. "Please come out I'm sorry if that was too weird! Please don't hide in there..."

"I-I'm sorry I-I just get so shy sometimes, I-I'll come out now...." I slowly open the door.

"Thank you," he hugs me tight which only makes my blush worse. "Hey um...please don't leave me okay? I don't want you to-"

"W-why would I stop being your friend? You were only making me breakfast but...how'd you know all that stuff?" I tilt my head and look up at him.

"I um..well I pay attention to the things my friends say." He slightly blushes. "And I never see you with meat on your tray at lunch so I just suspected that..."

"I was a vegetarian?" I tilt my head, "You're very kind but I can't seem to be able to give up fish and chicken. I am a fox after all," I giggle.

"Well you're on your way to one aren't you?" He asks as he licks my ears, "that's pretty impressive if you ask me, I love meat." He chuckles and winks playfully.

"W-well thanks...um..." I sniff the air and look at the food, "that smells so good!"

"Well let's go the food won't eat itself," he chuckles and puts the food on plates for each of us. Then he brings it over and sets the plates in our spots so we can eat. He watches me and waits for me to take the first bite.

I decide to try the eggs first and I stare at him, "O M Goodness this is amazing!"

He chuckles, "I'm glad you like it, I honestly didn't try to hard to make it." Kyle looks at his plate feeling bad for not putting all his effort into the meal.

"Um..Kyle are you okay? Even if you didn't put your best effort into it I still love it, thanks for making me breakfast either way, no one really ever does..." I reach across the table and grab his paw, and he holds mine.

"Morning boys," his dad interrupts our "moment" so I hide my paw on my lap.

"M-morning mister Chancellor!" I start eating my eggs again and I take a bite of toast. "H-how did you sleep sir?" I ask nervously, but try to hide it.

"Pretty good, pretty good," he rubs Kyle's ears as he walks to the fridge. Oddly enough he was only wearing boxers and that wasn't a pretty sight if you ask me. He grabbed the milk jug and drunk from it, me and Kyle stared and watched him. Both of us were a little disgusted and confused, but you never question the big guy, especially this big guy. "Ah that's refreshing, you boys want any?" We decline with a sour look on our faces, "Welp suit yourself, we got a big day ahead of us kiddos so you best be ready."

"But dad," Kyle interjects, "this is supposed to be our time, please can you not make us do work this time so we can just hang out and enjoy being kids...please?" He has a kind of pleading tone in his voice.

"You're little 'friend' can just go home if you wanna be that way, I said we got work to do and I mean it, understand?" He walks back to his room with the milk jug.

"Dick..." Kyle mutters, "Why does he always do this when I have a friend over....I'm really sorry Phoxie...you always have to help me with the stupid chores every time you come over..can I make it up to you in any way?" He asks, feeling really sorry and concerned.

"Just by being my friend..." I grab his paw again and look into his eyes with a smile on my face. "I don't mind the chores, really at least we get to do them together...right?"

"Of corse, this is still our time and he can't change that," he holds my paw slightly tight.

That is actually how we would spend time at his house, we ALWAYS had to do all these weird little chores but it's okay, cuz we did them together.

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