Being a top model can suck

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Lauren's POV:
"Lauren. Lauren. Laur-"
"What" I said a little louder than I intended. "Sorry Rob"  I said immediately.
Rob gave me a sympathetic look. "You doin' okay" He asked. He knew me better than anyone else; thus because Rob has been my only friend since I was younger my only, real friend at least. Being how he was my mothers body guard  through out my childhood and now he's mine. "Yeah just a little stressed I told him"
"Your mother pushing you again"
" Yeah, I mean I know she only wants the best for me; but all she does is nag at me to be better she wants me to be on all the best magazines like she was and honestly Rob I don't know how to tell her I hate modelling. It's always been modelling before everything and I hate it I feel like I can't be happy."
"You know, I've spent around 13 years with your mother and all she talks about is you, your bother and your sister. You are the apples to her eye and I think the last thing she would want for you is for you not to be happy. And so if you hate this modelling thing then you must be honest with your mother and tell her you don't want to do this."
I knew Rob was right but the feeling of letting not just my mom or my family down but all the people who wanted to see me go even higher as a model, all the people who rely on my work for a paycheque, all the people who help me go higher seeing it all turned to dust because I'm unhappy makes me feel selfish. " I know but I just gotta suck it up" I told him.
Our car finally came to a stop as we approached my hotel. We got out and I headed straight for my room hoping for some alone time to relax and take a bath.
I walked up to my room door when I heard talking on the other side. I checked the number 408. The fuck I thought to myself this was my room. I put my key card in and opened my door. I saw my boyfriend Brad look up at me and smile.
Oh shit so much for alone time.
"Hey w-what are you doing here."
"Thought I'd see how you're doing"
He walked over to me and handed me some flowers.
God damn it. Yet another one of things my mother forced me into a relationship with I guy I'm not into. I mean nothing against musicians but Brad is just not the one. I mean I'm not even sure I'm interested in guys.
"So I was thinking maybe we can catch a movie"
I shook my head no "No it's already 8 and I just wanted to have a bath and relax the rest of the night"
"So you want me to leave."
"Yeah kinda but maybe you can come tomorrow"
I set the flowers on the table, I saw that Brad looked hurt.
"Lauren" he said just above a whisper "I know you don't enjoy my company as much as I do yours but I mean can you at least pretend to enjoy me I mean you're always distant in public and I mean your mother wouldn't like you and I not working out"
What the actual fuck is this guy talking about I mean he can't be serious.
"To hell with that, you can't come in here like I'm some sort of fame token, I'm human just like you and I have feeling, feelings that don't belong with you. So if my mother doesn't approve well than I don't care cause I don't like you I don't even like guys.
It took a second for both Brad and I to comprehend the words I just said. Now he looked even more angry.
Brad raised his arms in anger " Well guess what, were together weather you like it or not okay you weren't my first choice but guess what we're going to have to promote each other some way"
Why he's still talking about fame and publicity is a mystery I just told him I don't even like the people of his gender I mean what an idiot. I was filled with rage now.
I walked out the door and slammed it behind me.
I don't know where to go I mean hell this is my hotel room.
I decided to slip out and go to the Waffle House across the road.
I put on my sunglasses and tied up my hair thinking hopefully nobody will recognize me. As I walk in I start to look around and see bright obnoxious lights flickering and a crowd of laughter fills the room it looked as lit as a Christmas party. I always saw these kind of places in movies; mostly 80's restaurants places I'd only hope to visit. The ones where everyone knows everyone and everything's happy and every ones smiling.
I walked towards a booth in the back when one of the waitresses popped up on front of me.
"Hey Welcome to the Waffle House, I'm Ally"
I looked down at her, I almost snorted on how tiny she looked, in a cute way though. Her hair was medium length dirty blonde and it perfectly outlined her face it which looked like she had a nice subtle tan, which made her eyes glow as bright as a diamond. "Hi" I gulped down the words.
"Uh I was uh just going to sit in the back over there"
"Well that's a-okay just I've never seen you what's your name?"
"Lauren" I told her. So I'm guessing you know just about everyone in here."
"Yup here at short stacks everyone knows everyone; for example over there is Camila" she pointed to a girl at the table beside us, she had long black hair similar to mine before I cut it. She was sitting with 2 other girls. One a taller blonde who Ally introduced as Dinah Jane,the other a darker skinned beauty named Normani, she had short black hair and a killer body.
"Hey" the three of them said in perfect harmony.
"Why don't you sit her with the girls rather than sitting all alone in the corner" Ally said in a joyful tone. I honestly wasn't in the mood to sit and communicate with other but I also wanted to learn more about Ally.
"Sure, why not." I say.
"Luckily we haven't ordered yet"Normani said.
I looked at the girls, they looked normal for the most part and I really like Dinah Jane's hat that said Bo$$ on it. "I like you're hat Dinah Jane"
"Thanks it's just something I got custom made, and call me Dinah"
"So are you an undercover cop or something you know with the sunglasses indoors and the trench coat" Camila blurted out.
"Camila! You can't ask people if their an undercover cop" Normani whisper yelled to her.
I laughed harder than I initially intended to.
"No, Camila I'm not an undercover cop"
I knew that this newfound friendship would be interesting I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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