0.8 Totally Polar opposites

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Terren's POV

"Thanks bro, I owe you big time for this" Tommy said patting me in the arm.

"Yeah, you better buy me lunch later"I let out a little laugh while taking the keys off the ignition.

"Yeah,but don't worry dad said I can get my car later so I won't be needing a ride tomorrow" Tommy informed me, taking off his seat belt.

We both open our doors and exit the car. "You're bored with me already" I joked as we head to the school's building. Tommy's car broke down yesterday so he had to take the ride with me considering that we are blood-related.

Well, if you're thinking that we're brothers then your completely wrong. Tommy and I are cousins from my mother's side, we've been close since we were kids,practically playmates. He's the my best bro, the closest think I have to a brother aside from Brent and the rest of the boys.

The boys and I decided to stay at Jackson's bachelor pad to spend the night there. We all have some of our clothes at each other's house so sometimes, we could just hop off and sleep over.

I still remember our conversation late last night after my second encounter and argument with the girl I apparently saved a few days ago, Madison Knightly, I was lounging with the boys, Brent, Bryle, Hunter,Tommy and of course the player king himself, Jackson Sparrows.

I wasn't really lounging though, I was standing with my back against the wall, one foot forward and a coke in can in one hand.

"She said as I was doing it for a bet" I took a sip from my coke as I relayed the message and words I got from Ms. Knightly.

Brent let out a laugh and so did the other boys "You know she's pretty smart for a girl you know"he said, taking a sip of his root beer.

"And pretty naughty too" Tommy added, pointing the tip of his bottle to Brent before taking a big sip out of it.

"Hey, why I am only drinking coke while you guys are drinking root beers and vodka?" I asked kinda offended, I gotta admit even as a bad boy I get hurt too, I have feelings too and when Madison said I sleep around it kinda touch a nerve.

"Because your the designated driver, and I don't want you to get drunk, you drink too much and you're pretty bad in handling hangovers"

"I don't" I defended myself "And who says there's one person who's a pro in hangovers"

Bryle suppressed a short laugh and it turned out to be a sigh, but a happy sigh...you know what I mean.
"Whatever, the thing is it's a school night and we probably don't trust your judgement considering your having a girl problem" Bryle explained, his elbows placed on the back of the couch while he sat on a wooden chair, the way guys usually sit on chairs, they turn it around then place their feet on opposites sides, making a wide opening between their legs. The rest of the guys are slouching comfortably on the spacious white couch.

"I'm not" wow these guys love to tease me a lot, why do they treat me like I'm such a girl?

"It's just really hard to convince this girl, it's so hard to make her believe"

"Wow,I'm really shocked you're not cursing right now, what happened to the bad boy Terren I used to train?" Jackson asked, adding humour to the conversation.

"Shut up" I dismissed him.

"Well, since this girl is getting on your knees," Tommy began, with his professional or like an expert voice, saying 'knees' instead of nerves. Well, he's the one with the humour guts since he's the youngest in the group.

".... I think that you'll be needing my expert advice."

"And what's that?" I tried to sound curious and interested, transfering myself from the wall to the couch beside Brent.

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