Hello My Name Is....

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Most people would start out with a lovely hello when they meet someone new.... My first day of band camp things didn't exactly go like that... I would introduce myself, but that would make things less interesting when I tell you my story. Soo not to be rude or anything, but I'm skipping our introduction and will just move on to my first day...

"Ouch" I stubbled backwards and fell on my ass. I ran directly into a upperclassmen by accident, I prepared myself for someone to kill me.... Nothing.. I looked up wondering why I happened experienced death...only to find the boy I ran into hoovering above me...

"I....I...I'm sorry..." My words shook I hadn't verbally spoken to anyone who was close to my age in months.

"Here let me help you up...you had quite a fall there..Are you okay?" I cautiously took his extended hand."Don't worry I don't bite..I'm Kai please don't cry... " The boy smiled but it was too late I already had tears flooding my vision and my entire body trembled. I dropped his hand as I sprinted towards the double doors that leading into the band hall..

"Rosie? Where'd you go?" The voices of my friends came closer to my hiding spot at the top of the staircase.

"I swear I didn't mean to scare her I was trying to be nice" A worried voice of whom I assumed was Kai chimed in.

"We know...She...She doesn't do well with new people and you scared her when she bumped into you. She'll come out eventually just give her some time... She is probably sitting at the top of the stairs or something."

"Damn my friends know me too well." I thought to myself as I wiped away my tears and got ready to walk downstairs.

Kai saw me first and I immediately noticed how worried he was about scaring me. It was shown in his eyes and I frowned "Why is he worried? He doesn't know me at all. How could a stranger care?" My thoughts were brushed away when a group of people hugged me. I managed to slip out of their hold and walk away because I needed to go back to the stairs.

"Why'd you ran away?" A voice trailed behind me. I ignored it "Hello! Are you listening?" Gosh he is worse than Navi. I turned around and faced Kai

" Before you say anything else no I'm not deaf or mute" I said. He went silent. I tilted my head. "What? Never seen a shy girl before. Welp now you have and I can't control it soooo." I turned back around and fiddled with my locker. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to overwhelm you or scare you." The voice was soft. "It's okay" I whispered as I heard footsteps leave.

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