It's Time!

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Imagine: "NIALL!" You screamed from the living room, " IT'S TIME!" You held your large pregnant belly. Niall came running into the room, and skidded to a stop. "It time? It can't be time! The time is next week! That's the time!" He said quickly and frantically. "Niall, it's time." You said through your teeth, finally managing to get on your swollen feet. "Oh my god." He said running his hands through his hair. You screamed as the first contraction came. "Niall go get the bags, ill go to the car." You ordered, he nodded kissing your cheek and your belly before running off. You began to waddle towards the door. Niall raced from the nursery to the front door before you could even reach for the knob. He opened the door for you and helped you to the car. He put both your bag and the baby bag into the car. He met you on the passenger side of the car. " when we come back, were going to have a baby with us," he said cupping your face with his hands, "lets go have a baby!" He said excitedly and giving you a quick kiss on the lips. You got into the car as another contraction came, each one worst than the last. "" You said through gritted teeth. Niall started to drive and as ordered,fast. Your breathing quickened as the contractions got closer and closer together. "It's okay sweetie, we're almost there, stay calm." He said trying to put his hand on your back to soothe you. "Niall James Horan, do not freaking tell me to 'stay calm' when It feels like I'm being stabbed in the uterus!" You snapped, but only because of the pain and hormones. He retracted his hand and stared driving faster. Niall pulled up to the hospital and rushed to get you out of the car and inside. "My wife's having a baby people, look out!" He yelled parting crowds with his booming voice. "Ummm...someone?! Anyone!! Help us here! She's having a baby!" He said calling out to anyone for help. You waddled over to the front desk while he ran around like a chicken without a head. "Hi," you said with a smile to the lady at the front desk, even though you were in seething pain, " please excuse my husband, this is our first time at this." You said with a wink. The Receptionist looked at you unhumored. "Okay then, could you please get us in a room, now?" You asked straining the last word as a contraction hit. You began to sweat, and the room was practically spinning. Moments later you were wheeled away in a wheel chair and prepped for your delivery.***18 hours into labor*** you laid in the hospital bed, completely Exhausted, and still in excruciating pain. "Niall sat by your bedside, caressing your hair. "Babe," you started, "you know I love you, right?" You asked. He smiled and nodded, "yes, of course I do.". "And I love our child," you said taking a deep breath, "but I want this baby out of" You said, just then the doctor came in and smile sweetly and you and Niall. "How are you feeling mrs.Horan?" She asked looking at some papers in her hands. "Horrible," you said shortly. "Well it's almost over, are you ready to push?" She asked. You looked at Niall, he smiled and took your hand. "So ready."***minutes felt like hours while pushing. You were crushing Niall's hand while he said comforting and encouraging words. Your screaming seized once you finally heard the yell of your child. The sound of the baby's cry brought tears to your eyes. " it's a boy!" You heard the doctors say. "Did you hear that love?" Niall asked squeezing your hand, " we had a boy! A beautiful baby boy!" He said kissing you forehead. Tears ran down your face as you saw the doctor hand your husband your son, all wrapped up in a tiny blue blanket. The last time you saw Niall this happy was on your wedding day, he was glowing. "Welcome to the world little guy!" He whispered to his son. The baby looked so tiny in Niall's arms. "Here's your mommy little fella!" He said, handing you your son for the first time. He was beautiful, he had a mess of brown hair on the top of his head,tiny little fingers and toes, and lungs to give Niall a run for his money. "Hi baby, I'm your mommy," you said, tearing up again. " he's perfect," you said to Niall who placed his lips against your temples. "He's perfect because his mom's perfect." "Don't sell yourself short daddy." You said, once you called him 'daddy' something sparked in his eyes. A single tear of joy ran down his face, he was now the daddy of his own little family. FIN.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2013 ⏰

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