First Day

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You know when you have an imaginary friend, you treat them like they're real? Then you wish they were. They're the ones you share your secrets to. They're the ones you talk to when there's no one else. They're the ones there for you since you were a little kid. They're your secret best friends you don't always share to the world.

 Well I have one. And his name's Chase.The thing about him is..... He became real.....


"Delilah!" Shouted a wave of blonde curly hair as it crashed into me. the impact took me aback. I stumbled backwards a bit before I settled myself and wrapped my arms tightly around my best friend. She squeezed me so tightly that I could feel my ribs being crushed. "Woah! Rose! Nice to see you too!" I told her as I gently pushed her away. I looked into her Blue-green eyes, her bright smile, and her short blonde wavy hair, and realized I missed this crazy girl. When she smiled, she always looked like a ray of sunshine. She always made my day, no matter how upset I was. We've known each other since we were six, but we didn't spend the summer together before Junior year, since she went to Paris to visit her fashion designer of a mom, and I stayed here in America. 

"I missed you so much! I can't believe I'm finally here with you again!" She squealed as she charged at me again. I just laughed in response. I felt the same way too. We were so close that when the other left, it's as if there was always something missing. Always something empty inside my heart where only her presence could fill. 

"Are you excited for Junior year? because I am." She yelled in excitement as we went inside our first class together: History. "Excited and nervous. I replied with a smile on my face. The classroom was half full with students. it's cream colored walls were covered in posters and maps. The teacher's desk was right beside the white board in front of the classroom. I spotted new nervous faces among the crowd of classmates I've spent the first half of my high school year. Everyone was chatting and catching up with each other with their how-are-yous and their how-was-your-summers. I continued glancing around the room, examining the new students: One girl with golden brown straight hair had her nose stuck in a book, ignoring the new world around her. A scrawny black haired boy had the courage to talk to Celeste; the former student class president, and seems to be trying to flirt with her. Her expression amused me as she tried to hide her annoyance and trying to be polite. Her group of friends just silently laughing at her. Then, there was a boy with his back to me. His wavy brown hair was slightly covering his face as he was bowing his head, appearing to be busy making something out of paper. I could only see the defined line of his jaw, and the gentle cure of his nose. *Clap clap clap* went our History teacher Ms. Hall. I liked her. She never failed to smile. She always wore scarves and boots, her hairstyle gorgeously styled differently each day. Today, she chose to just leave her hair down in their natural dirty blonde curls. "Good morning everyone!" She greeted us enthusiastically. "How was your vacations? You miss it already huh?" Everyone chimed in agreement. "To those who are new to this school, my name is Ms. Hall, and I would be your history teacher for this year!" A few people who was close to her cheered loudly, and laughter filled the room. 

"Now, let us get acquainted  to our new classmates, shall we?" She continued on. "So come on up you guys" She happily gestured to the space in front beside her. Five students stood up all in all. One curly haired girl introduced herself as Macy, another girl was named Sophia, The girl who loved reading still clutched her book in her hand tightly as she introduced herself as Amanda, the scrawny black haired boy was confidently beaming and introduced himself as Josh. When my eyes traveled to the boy who's back was to me a while ago, my heart stopped... "It can't be" I whispered breathlessly to myself. I knew that face. I have drawn and imagined that exact face for almost all my life. There may be different variations of that face as I grew older, but his face. His face! was exactly like I remembered: His eyes were a dark caramel brown with thick lashes girls would die for, his brown hair stylishly wavy, his sweet mocking mouth was curled up at the sides to form a gentle smile, and his shoulders were broad and defined covered by his navy blue shirt. Those lips of his started moving but the rapid beating of my heart drowned out all the words he said. I didn't get to catch his name. I just stared at him in shock and disbelief. Rose saw me gaping at him and tried to shake me out of my trance by shaking me gently, but didn't succeed. 

He slowly looked around, and my heart started to impossibly beat faster as his gaze landed on me. He took in a sharp breath when he saw me. His beautiful eyes grew wide and his mouth opened slightly. We both were just very still and just stared at each other. His lips moved to form my name. D-e-l-i-l-a-h, I read from his lips. I took a sharp breath too in surprise that he knew my name. Before I knew it, he was upon me in grabbed me into a tight hug, and the world around me melted as my head was buried on his shoulder. 

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