➳ of valentines & camilla's (ron basiel and samantha juney)

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featuring characters from Percy

It was exactly 5 o'clock in which the valentine's day dance would begin. And right now, at 3 PM, Samantha Juney sat in the library, looking up old dead men. And she would of course be right in this very seat until the dance ended.

No matter how much Georgie or Jane begged her to come , she refused to attend. Georgie and Jane would both have dates while she didn't. Like hell Sam would even think about going alone. Usually she wouldn't care about what other people thought (after all, she was the queen of indifference) but this was Valentine's day. Despite all her morals, she wouldn't go stag, especially on valentine's day.

Besides, she needed the studying anyway. Imagining the look on Mrs. Dustley's face when Samantha aced her test made her snicker. Come to think of it, she loved the idea of anything like that happening to the old bat.

Although, Sam couldn't decide whether it was a good or bad thing that she wasn't alone. A foot away from her Ron Basiel typed furiously but for reasons unfathomable, from the corner of her eye view she could catch Ron sneak peeks at her.

Indeed was Ron was looking at her. He couldn't help it; he liked looking at her. Samantha was gorgeous, imitating and way out of his league. For weeks he had wanted to ask her to the school dance but every time he came close enough, he went tongue-tied and turned a bright shade of pink.

He heard Samantha groan. He had done it again.

"What?" she grumbled, not yet looking him in the eye. "You keep staring at me."

"Huh?" Ron mumbled lowly. He knew exactly what she was talking about but just looking at her gave him the hibi-jibes. Imagine admitting what admitting a crush would do to his brain.

"Is there something on my face?" She snapped and he gulped at her irked expression. "Because you've been staring at me for a while now."

Ron nearly felt the urge to pee his pants. All he wanted was to talk to her and now that he is, he's already upset her. Be calm Ron, he told himself. Just be calm.

"I-I was just, um, you know wondering why the prettiest girl in junior year doesn't have a date to the dance," he stuttered out. Smooth Ronald, he could hear his judgmental grandmother scold in his head. Way smooth.

Samantha, not grasping the prettiest girl comment, sighed. "I guess I just didn't... find the right person." The truth was that Sam just wasn't asked. Not that she was not pretty or anything (because she was). It was just because she was so imitating that guys tried not to even consider asking her out, in fear of being violently rebuffed.

"That sounds very sappy," Ron commented and she shot him a withering glare. "Well you never know. The right person might be right under your nose," he added just to placate the beastly glare. Although he had slightly made that comment about him.

Sam was still being her usual self though and didn't inquire the remark as he hoped. "How do you know I'm not into girls?" she queried.

Ron was truly stumped. "I just, um.... I didn't mean to o-offend you or... I just-"

Whatever Ron's next words were are were cut off a laugh from Samantha. It wasn't too loud or shrill at all. The laugh was a cackle that made you want to laugh along. Ron thought it was perfect.

"Relax, I'm not actually gay. I just wanted to see what you would say." Smiling, she tucked a loose strand of her long black hair behind her ears. Ron longed to do it for her. Even though he felt a deep embarrassment, as long as she was smiling it was okay.

Before Ron had time to process what had just happened, Sam was onto a new subject. "Is anyone going to the dance with you then?" She asked and at the same time, his face went noticeably red.

"No, not really."

"It's a yes or no question."

"Okay, then no," he clarified with great embarrassment. The two of them lapped into a pregnant pause. To Ron's greatest resentment, Sam went back into looking at her homework in front of her. He wanted to keep going but Ron was just so socially awkward that he had never been good at holding a conversation.

"Do you like the name Camilla?" Ron blurted out quickly. Ron was fighting the greatest urge to hit himself. Sam looked up, startled.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, um, you know. The name Camilla. Do you like that name?" he said awkwardly.

"Yeah, sure. It's a nice name. But why?" she asked, raising a perfectly thin eyebrow.

For a moment, he was distracted by it until the inside voice of his grandmother came back to him, screaming how its rude not to answer a question. I've really got to get rid of that voice, he thought bitterly.

"My mom is having a baby girl and she asked me what I thought she should be named. For some reason, I really like the name Camilla. I was just wondering if anyone else liked the name," he told her, rambling.

Almost automatically, Samantha beamed. For a reason unknown to Ron, girls always seemed to love babies. His inside grandmother told him that he wasn't such a bad failure after all. That would probably be the best compliment he would ever get from her.

"Ron, that's amazing!" she exclaimed. "Congrats, you'll be a big brother!"

Samantha smiled at him and he swore to god that his heart was melting. Then suddenly, a thought struck to him. "You know my name?" he asked incredulously. She answered his question with a question of her own:

"If I didn't know your name, would I be talking to you? What, you think I'm such a high and mighty self-absorbed bully that I pay no attention to anyone else around me?"

Her tone was bitter as she looked away. Ron didn't think that at all. He was so infatuated by her that he had forgotten about any bad parts about her. He took a deep breath and began to speak.

"I don't think that about you," he said softly. "I think your smart and pretty and one of the coolest girls in school. I also think that its weird you don't have a date. "

She softened noticeably and now she became the one flustered. "O-Oh? What else do you think?"

This was it, he warned himself. Ask her. "Um, Um..."

Ask her. "Well?" she said.

"Since I don't have a date and you don't have a date and we're two dateless people, I was just wondering if... uh," he fumbled.

Samantha grinned. She had finally caught on but she was waiting for it because well, teasing a blushing Ron was really fun.

Ask her. "Okay, well I just wanted to ask if..." ASK HER NOW IDIOT.

"Iwaswonderingifyouwantedtocometothedancewithme," he rushed out quickly. So quickly in fact that she didn't catch a word of it. But she had a fleeting suspicion of what he had asked.

Ron's mind was in a state of blackness, as his thoughts blurred into: blahblahsfsjsblah. At least, that's what he believed it was trying to tell him. He didn't want to be a chicken, he didn't want to listen to his grandmother anymore, he didn't want to go unnoticed by Sam anymore. He cleared his throat.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me." There. It was finally out in the open. Ron cringed and waited for her rejection but was surprised when he saw her turn pink. Did I - did I just make the Samantha Juney blush? Dear Lord, even his thoughts were stuttering.

"Sure," she said with a small smile. "I would have to get ready. Meet me in Holmesdale at 7 O'clock?"

Unable to produce any words by what just happened, he nodded soundlessly. Sam stood up and put her books away. Before she was about to leave, by the spur of the moment, she ran to Ron to kiss his cheek. Accidentally though, she missed his cheek and kissed the corner of his mouth. Blushing as red as Ron's hair, she dashed away leaving the poor boy feeling as if he was on cloud 9.


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