Infinite Playlist - One

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~Kayla POV~

Mom called me and asked me to go to her house, which was pathetic I mean I haven't seen or talked to mom since I was six but I went anyway. As I walked to mom's house I notice that dad's car was outside mom's house I mean why would it be there they haven't talked for 10 years. I went up to the house and saw mom and dad talking."Oh good Kayla your here we've got something important to tell you" mom said and I was like how important could this be that we had to have a family talk, but I guess it was really important cause by the time I found out what it was I freaked out. Mom got me an audition to a music school in Manhattan. Gosh, this is freakin' amazing.

Next day I started packing my things for Manhattan, which took me a long time because my brother Austin and my sister Lea won't stop bothering me. Just because they can't believe that i'm finally living my dream and going to manhattan while they're stuck here in dad's house forever (I guess) "Hey Kayla!" Natalie said as she burst in my room. "Hey" I said. "Good that your finally living your dream, oh and Chester and I did creatures of the night" My sister Lea said. "That's cool" I said. Well since its the first time she talked about her boyfriend chester. I knoded knowingly that I might have asked a question about creatures of the night, expect that 1.I didn't know what it was 2.I didn't care to learn and 3.I didn't wanna know what it was cause it sounded so weird.

I finished packing with Natalie and we said goodbye's and i'll miss you's to each other. After that, dad drove me to the airport. On our way there dad won't stop talking and keeps on saying i'm so proud of my daughter, i'll miss you, blah blah blah things like that. "Dad for the 10th time please stop. I know that your proud of me and I know that you'll miss me and dad I'll miss you too. It's just I'm sick and tired of you keep on repeating that" I said as I turn on the stereo louder and louder. "As you wish princess" dad said

We arrived in the airport just on time for my flight, I said goodbye's to dad and called mom to say goodbye too. Dad left the airport and headed home. As for me I headed towards the imigration and went in the plane and left.

The flight to Manhattan was good. Until the dude snored loud enough that the whole airplane could hear it. The taco in plane was amazing, best taco I've ever tasted. Which was weird because I never liked taco's. I stayed at my Aunt Marie when I got there. The house was pretty amazing, it had 6 rooms and a movie room. Gosh, that place was amazing. Wish I could live there forever, which I might so I hope that I could get in the music school in Manhattan, and make my parents proud.

As I unpack my things to the 5th room to the left my cousin Hazel burst in the room and asked about things that I didn't know but I just keeps on saying "Oh its great" which was weird cause I don't even know what she's talking about and finally she said that it's time for dinner which was great because I'm really hungry. Over dinner they talked about my cousin Harry getting ready for her wedding but I wasn't really listening to the conversation cause first of all I was really hungry that I didn't to know what their talking about second I didn't know any of them to go along the conversation, and third I hate marriage. I know I'm not suppose to hate marriage cause marriage is good. I used to love marriage but since mom and dad got divorce I hated marriage ever since. Sorry I'm just not the type of girl who loves marriage. Well maybe I'll love marriage soon.

The day after today was my audition in the school of music which I was excited that I didn't even want to eat breakfast but I did eat cause they cooked my favorite meal flapjacks! Shit, its so good with maple syrup. After breakfast I took a bath which took a long time cause they had a pool in the bathroom wow the bathroom was huge. After that I got ready and wore cross shirt, skirt, tights, mini converse backpack, and high cut converse. Aunt Marie drove me around Manhattan since my audition is still tomorrow. Aunt Marie had a great cars it was a Ferrari and a Porsche. Why is she so rich!?!?!? and my parents aren't rich.

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