Clare's 1st dream.

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One night  May the first Clare Kennedy was pulling up the covers and was about to say her prayers but she fell asleep before saying the prayers  due to a long day at Walt Disney World.  She had a peaceful two hour nap for ten p.m. To twelve p.m.   Then at twelve ten a.m.  Clare's mind started wandering  and a dream  came about this dream was about her late grandpa who lived in Brazil as did Clare. The dream was that the day her grandpa moved from España to Brazil. It was that her grandpa moved in to his house right out side of Rio De Janeiro. His house was small because his wife died in France during a work trip during the Paris Terror Attack so he didn't need thousands of square feet. The dream goes on to the bedroom where the flooring was wood and slowly started cracking. The floor fell throw thank god that the floor was not deep. The dream was over in about five minuets. That day when she woke up at six a.m. she was going back to the dream and didn't know if she should write about in her daily English class yes they learn English in Brazil so second period she went in to the small classroom picked her wide ruled notebook paper and began writing about the Dream.For a half hour she wrote and wrote about the dream. Here teacher selected one essay to read aloud just by Clare's luck her teacher Mr.Flores read the dream story aloud. The story took about twenty minuets to read. When Mr.Flores was done the class all turned to Clare's desk in astonished facial expressions. Mr.Flores was taken by surprise. The bilingual class began there vocabulary study and continued on with the study for ten minuets. The bell rang Mr.Flores pulled Clare aside and said "Amazing Story is this real" and Clare responded "Yes Mr.Flores it" Mr.Flores respond "Amazing you are allowed to go ". Clare had a sigh of relief.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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