Chapter 1: Wack-A-Mole with your face

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"Don't you dare look out your window, darling everything's on fire," -Safe and Sound (Taylor Swift)

I woke to a quiet knock on my window, and I swiftly got up and- oh who am I kidding? I jumped up and fell off my bed. Then I proceeded to crawl to the window and pulled until it finally popped open to see Abby and Bri on the other side waiting for me.

Abby is average height with wavy brown hair that ends at her shoulders, and deep brown eyes. She has a look that gives off "I'm sweet and innocent, oh look, a butterfly" vibes, but she can play people like a violin. Bri is 5'2 and is pale with long, red hair that goes to her waist and red freckles surrounding her green eyes. She is probably the kindest out of the group buts she can definitely get blood on her hands (okay not literally but you get the jist). Anyway, I opened the window and watched them crawl in my room.

"You are going to wake up your parents if you keep playing wack-a-mole with your face and the floor," Abby said smirking.

"Yeah, did you fall off your bed or something?" Bri questioned barely holding back laughter.

I glared at them both and grabbed my duffel bag. I gave my room a once-over to make sure I didn't forget anything useful, once satisfied I hooked my dog, Patch to his leash and helped him out the window. Both girls had left their animals at home saying that their family needed them more, but I don't happen to like my family all that much, sucks for them.

"I think I'm ready," I whispered to Bri and Abby. We were about to climb down from my roof when Bri took a step back, closer to my window.

"Come on, Bri, we need to go," Abby pushed looking worried.

"I, Er- um, can we do this?"

"What do you mean?" Abby and I asked in unison.

"Well, ummm, they might find us, and bring us back, and then-" Bri stopped talking and visibly shuddered at the thought of what the government would do to us.

I sighed and tried to make my voice sound as soothing as possible, though we needed to go.

"Bri, come here, we've already done it. There's no going back now, we all made this choice and it will work out. We can find peace in this world." I finished this smiling reassuringly up at her.

She hesitantly took my outstretched hand and climbed down. I pulled her in for a hug and sighed, it would be a long night.

We walk to the bushes where we stored our bikes the day before. I pull my bike out of the shrubs untangling it from the weeds, setting it up with a kickstand and stand back to admire it. The girls and I found some old spray paint and spent all day making our bikes black with a dark blue line streaking diagonally down the side. Bikes are the only way of transportation for second class citizens, only the very wealthy own cars.

I tied a wagon to my bike via rope and put my dog, Patch on the wagon. I looked at Bri and Abby, the two people in this world who understand me, who have kept me sane when everything we all knew fell apart, and I for them. They both gave me sad smiles as they got on their bikes. Together we sped away. I looked to my side and saw tears pooling in Bri's eyes threatening to fall, then I looked at Abby and saw her face was already lined with streaks of salty sadness. I stared straight ahead, I did my mourning a long time ago when my parents decided that they would be happy with a job of making people miserable.

Don't think about them, I scolded myself. But  it was too late I couldn't seem to stop wondering what changed them, as I had been doing for the past seven months. I pedaled harder my heart racing and the wind tickling my skin. A rush of adrenaline shot through me as I began to turn my sadness and feelings of betrayal into frustration, which then turned to a wicked anger. I was a delicate candle, until someone lit my fuse, and now I can't seem to stop burning as everything around me goes up in flames.

Together, we pedaled until we had nothing left, not one ounce of strength. We pedaled until dawn, until our legs were numb. Some people would call us crazy for defying the government, and trying to beat the most advanced army and scientists in the world simply by leaving. But they are wrong. The citizens are the crazy ones for believing that if we let the government take the reins when we fall apart, everything will be okay.
Well I hate to burst their bubble, but that's ridiculous.
Hello Internet! (Did anyone get that Danisnotonfire reference? You better have) Okay in all seriousness I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK!!!!! Can I just THANK YOU for even glancing at this book and deciding to give it a shot??!? I love you all for that honestly .

I will try to post an update every other Monday(^-^)

This chapter is dedicated to Mel for helping me come up with names. Thanks!

Okay, that's all bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2016 ⏰

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