The phone can talk

106 4 2

January 31, 2015

Kansas: Dad the phone you gave me keeps talking. It's not very nice either.

America: you can turn Seri off you know that right

Kansas: No, this thing's to smart for me and it's really sassy with it's opinions.

America: do I have to go all the way to Kansas to show you how phones work?

February 2, 2015

America: Kansas

February 4, 2015

America: Skylar

America: Kansas

America: Skylark Dorothy Jones answer your phone!

February 5, 2015

Kansas: Dad don't get made but I threw some salt at it and it hissed so I threw it in the the fire pit and watched it burn

America: dude it wasn't a demon in your phone just a program relax

Kansas: not any better in my opinion

America: I feel like I can't give you nice new electronics and that suck I'm your dad I'm supposed to get you nice things you shoild stop watching you weird tv shows

Kansas: they ain't weird

America: other than sci-fi and the demon hunter show what do you watch

Kansas: it's called Supernatural and wrestling

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