Donald Trump

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Donald Trump
Needs a Thump
Up his "political" rump
All he does
is sit on his butt
Plotting ways to ruin our nation
With his horrid "imagination"
He's never fair
And his policies are as fake as his hair

He discriminates 'gainst minorities
And use them as tools
Making Mexicans build his wall
Just isn't cool
Some people think he's all sweet,
Hanging with his peeps,
But seriously,
He's all but honesty
He'll probably get the U.S. bombed
If he breaks enough bonds
With neighboring countries
That he already owes money

I hate Donald Trump
And all that he stands for
He got a small loan of a million dollars,
But doesn't help the poor?
If someone stood up to this,
He'd probably be pissed
And if someone brought up the issue,
He'd probably sue.
But if we get bombed, and I'm sure we will,
He'll probably run, like the coward he is still.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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