Part 12

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Marcus smiled his nastiest smile and Kerry wondered how on earth she had come to be related to this man, how her mother had ever consented to sleep with him and, most astonishingly, how she had ever consented to sleep with him herself.  She realized just how big an influence this man had had over her life.  She had been fathered by him, impregnated by him, employed by him, sexually assaulted by him, nearly raped and beaten by him and now she was going to be murdered by him.  Her length of time on earth was to last just 20 years.  Matthew, already effectively fatherless, was to be left without a mother and Graham, an innocent party in this affair, was to lose his life as well.  Would it be a complete waste of breath pleading for Marcus to spare them?  Appealing to his humanitarian instincts was pretty pointless but maybe she could suggest that he was hardly doing himself any favours.  He was already a wanted man, did he want to add murder to the charges on his file?  She opened her mouth to speak, but Marcus spoke first.

‘Now I’m very sorry about this but you’re both going to have to wait a short while before I can carry out the execution.  Unfortunately, I’d forgotten that I’d used up all the petrol in this can when I set alight Miss Chauhan’s flat.  Miss Chauhan was another person whom I had to persuade not to interfere in my private life.  I did try to warn her when she came to see me in the Stock Control Room, but to no avail.  She hasn’t bothered me since her flat was attacked however.  It seems that it’s true what they say: actions really do speak louder than words.’

Kerry recalled that Rashila was another innocent victim of her relationship with Marcus.  How many more people was this man going to hurt?

 ‘Anyway,’ said Marcus, ‘I’m going to have to leave you alone while I get some more petrol from the nearest service station.  You can have a little chat together, get to know each other better.  I wouldn’t start making any long-term plans, though.  It will also give you a chance to overcome the bitterness you feel towards me, Kerry.  It’s not good to die with hatred in your heart.  If, when I come back, you told me you loved me you would feel so much better for it.’

 ‘Go to hell,’ spat out Kerry.

‘Actually, Kerry, I think that’s what yourself and Graham will shortly be doing.  I’d better be off now.  Don’t bother to scream out.  We’re miles from anywhere and the farm has been abandoned for decades, so there’s absolutely no chance of anyone hearing you.  I’ll be back soon.  Don’t go away.’

Marcus left, taking his petrol can, and shutting the barn door behind him.

Kerry looked down at her feet again, noticing that they had been chained to some sort of hook in the ground.  Graham told her that his feet were similar chained.  They could hardly move, let alone go anywhere.

‘How long do you think he will be?’ asked Kerry.

‘A while,’ replied Graham.  ‘If we really are miles from anywhere then we’ll be miles from any service stations as well and he’s got to go there and back.’

They were silent for a minute then Kerry said, ‘I’m sorry you got involved in all this, Graham.  And I’m sorry I accused you at my flat the other night when I thought you’d given Marcus my address.’

‘I didn’t tell him your address, Kerry.’

‘I realize that now.  It just seemed so logical at the time.  I really don’t know how he found out where I live.  I guess I never will know now.’

It wasn’t easy making friendly conversation when you’re waiting to be burned alive.  After a while Kerry said, ‘I’m dying for the loo.  If Marcus doesn’t return soon he’ll find me sitting here in a puddle of pee.  Mind you, Marcus tends to have that effect on me anyway.   He once turned up at my checkout when I was serving and he frightened me so much that I wet myself while I was sitting there.’

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