Hecking Robin x Lucina

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Lucina walked back to camp, carrying a freshly cut down rabbit. Some could say it's disrespectful to use the legendary Falchion for a quick meal, but she couldn't care less. Once she'd skinned and gutted the animal, Lucina sat down by the fire and started roasting it. After a few minutes by the crackling fire, Lucina heard footsteps behind her. Her hand moved to her sword on her hip and she turned around. Robin put his hands up, looking at Lucina like she was crazy. "Hey, it's just me, Robin." He grinned and walked over and sat by Lucina. Lucina looked at him, moving her hand from her sword back to her lap. "What did you want? I'm not really in the mood for discussing battle plans right now." She demanded, turning over the rabbit. Robin sighed and pulled out a paper. "Look here. It says that you and I reached S-support." Robin gestured to a spot on the paper. Lucina looked at him, confused. "What does that even mean?" She said, puzzled. Robin blushed, looking at the ground. He looked back up at Lucina, his face redder than a tomato. "It means that we have to do...this!" He said before leaning forward and giving Lucina a peck on the lips. Lucina pulled back, but she didn't blush at all. "Well, it's about time you realized that." She rolled her eyes and leaned forward, giving Robin a proper kiss. She wrapped her arms around him to hold him close to her, just happy that he'd finally said something. She finally broke the kiss, but didn't let him go. "I love you, Robin." She rested her head on Robin's shoulder. Robin hugged back, grinning. He then sniffed the air. "Uh, Lucina? I think you kind of forgot about the rabbit." He said, pointing to what looked like a black rock over the fire.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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