Chapter 25

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  Icelight was the first to speak, lifting his tail to gesture for silence. Silverpaw slid into the middle of a tight knot of apprentices and looked up at Icelight. "Prey has been running well in IceClan. We've had a few problems with a white fox in our territory, but we chased it out, and are as strong as ever." he finished, licking his paw and drawing it over an ear.

  Skylight was next, and she brought reports of abundant prey and warm days. Yet, she said nothing about withdrawing from LeafClan's territory until - 

  "I heard from a little birdie that SkyClan asked LeafClan for help in the cold season, and those soft hearted fools gave you land to the Bracken Woods! Are you saying that LeafClan's prey is abundant, not your own?" Lilyflower yowled mockingly, eyes glinting in the moonlight. 

  Skylight's fur fluffed out angrily, and a growl ripped from her throat. "We withdrew from LeafClan's territory because we don't need their help! We have grown stronger than them, and they grew scared of us being in their territory, so we retreated to appear less threatening to them! SkyClan never needs another Clan's help."

  Blood roared in Silverpaw's ears. So this is the thank-you we get for lending you our territory? Lies? Furious caterwauling split the air, and LeafClan cats all around the clearing unsheathed their claws, ready to attack. "Stop! We mustn't fight under the full moon truce!" Leaflight yowled, pacing to the edge of the branch.

  She appeared calm and unruffled, but her eyes blazed with unmistakable anger. Silverpaw felt a sudden chill go through her. She would hate to be in Skylight's position right now. "What Skylight is telling you is a big pack of lies. How typical for a SkyClan cat." she mewed, her voice ringing across the clearing. Mixed yowls of approval and fury met her words, and the LeafClan and SkyClan cats looked ready to turn on each other.

  Skylight opened his mouth to retort, but Leaflight cut him off. "What actually happened is far from his version of the story. The SkyClan pigeon-brains ventured past the border we set for them, the Bracken Woods border, so we drove them out. Simple." She lashed her tail and glared at Skylight, daring him to challenge her. Jeers and caterwauls met her statement, while Skylight stared at her, at a loss for words.

  Finally, Firelight stepped forward. "Lying at Gathering?" he mewed. "Tsk, tsk."

  Skylight's fur fluffed out angrily, and he took a pace forward, facing the FireClan leader. "And you've never lied before?" he growled, unsheathing his claws. Unease stirred through the Clans. If the leaders were fighting under the full moon truce... that couldn't be a good thing.

  Firelight, surprisingly, turned away from Skylight. "I do not have a quarrel with SkyClan." he mewed. "I do, on the other paw, have a quarrel with LeafClan for stealing our prey and not admitting to it!" he yowled, his voice rising. "How more obvious could you be, with us waking up every morning to a fresh-kill ravaged and empty, LeafClan scent all over our camp. And you fox-hearts don't admit to it! Well, now, it's too late." he hissed, eyes gleaming madly. 

  "FireClan declares war on LeafClan."

  With that one sentence, chaos reigned across the clearing. Cats started hissing and spitting, and the mixed group of elders that always gossiped together, inseparable, separated. The LeafClan cats clumped together in the middle of the clearing, surrounded by a hissing mass of FireClan cats.

  Blazepelt stalked forward, getting too close for comfort, and Silverpaw lashed out at his muzzle, leaving long scratches across his face, leaking tears of blood. He jerked back with a startled whimper, and disappeared into the crowd of FireClan cats. She suddenly felt a warm presence by her side, and somehow knew it was Tigerpaw. She normally would've shoved him away, but... she didn't know how to put it into words, but she felt safer with him around.

  Leaflight was, for a moment, speechless, but quickly regained her composure. "I'm sure you'll regret that decision, Firelight. We have more warriors and medicine cats than you." she mewed, her voice icy.  Firelight shook his head. "Oh, no. I'm afraid you'll be short a medicine cat when the final battle comes."

  Leaflight frowned, confusion shadowing her features. "What do you mean?" she mewed, glancing uncertainly at Dawnleaf. Something like triumph gleamed in Dawnleaf's eyes, and Silverpaw felt her pelt pricking up. "When the war comes, I stand with FireClan." she mewed smoothly, meeting Leaflight's gaze.

  Leaflight looked as confused as Silverpaw felt. "What are you talking about, Dawnleaf? Are you mad?" Dawnleaf shook her head, looking gleeful. "Have you ever been wondering who's been passing all the information to FireClan? Who told them when you'd be going to the Lightpond so they could attack in your absence? Who told them all about the prophecy and who the special cat was? That was me! I've been on FireClan's side all along, and you pigeon-brained LeafClan cats are just too stupid to realize. Well, now I'm declaring my formal allegiance. I will serve FireClan, and help them defeat LeafClan in the war to come."

  Sagepaw darted up to Dawnleaf, looking stricken. "You can't! You traitor! You betrayed the medicine cat code! You betrayed us all! You deserve to go to the Dark Forest!" And with that she reared up, claws arcing through the air and slicing deep into Dawnleaf's shoulder, blood splattering on the sacred ground of the island. Where there was supposed to be a full-moon truce.

  Dawnleaf jerked back, teeth bared. "My little apprentice. Why don't you join me in the winning Clan, and we can live together among real warriors." Sagepaw's shrill voice echoed across the clearing. "I don't want to live with you. You're not a real medicine cat anymore."

  Dawnleaf's eyes filled with hurt and regret for a moment, then she turned away and padded over to the FireClan cats, where they welcomed her like a hero. Apparently they already knew about her betrayal. Leaflight growled, a low and ominous sound. "Traitors don't deserve to live." she mewed, glancing at the ranks of FireClan cats. "And I can see what FireClan cats truly are now. Traitors to the warrior code and rogues."

  Furious hissing and caterwauling exploded from the group of FireClan cats and, much to Silverpaw's horror, they began advancing on the LeafClan cats, hissing and spitting. Suddenly, a flash of fur distracted Silverpaw in time to see Sparrowpaw pounce onto Blazepelt and cling on to his pelt, churning his belly with his hind claws.

  No! Sparrowpaw! Silverpaw thought as she charged forward, barreling into Blazepelt and knocking him flat on the floor. She turned to face Sparrowpaw. "What did you do that for? Fighting on the full moon truce is forbidden." His expression turned grim. "Well, it seems like those rules are gone now."

  The clearing had exploded into fighting, shrieks piercing the air as blood splattered on the ground. Silverpaw gazed around the island with horror. It is the full moon! We should not be fighting! Is this really what the Clans have come to?

  A/N: YAY MAJOR PLOT TWIST!!! And major war coming up, too... stay tuned! And don't forget to vote if you liked my chapter and comment if you have any suggestions for the next chapter!

Silverlight's Virtue #1: Dark ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now