Runes Of Commitment (Mortal Instruments Fan-Fic)

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Hey everyone I co-wrote this story with my best friend VHeart9123! Anyway this story is set about 5 years after City of Fallen Angels and it is about Clary and Jace’s wedding day... thanks vampireprincess656

Disclaimer: I don’t own the Mortal Instruments or Jace and Clary would have never have thought that they were brother and sister.




Clary’s pov

I walked through the trees to the small clearing that Jace and I had trained in many times in the past five years. Lifting the front of my dress, it made it that much easier to walk to where Jace was waiting with my family and his. I had picked this dress specifically for the wedding ceremony. The dress of a shadowhunter wedding was not white, but instead I had chosen a floor length forest green with a low v-neck so Jace would have access to my chest to place the rune there. Even though we were having a traditional shadowhunter wedding, Jace and I were still going to exchange rings as well as runes on love and commitment.

 My heart pounded for the excitement.

Breaking through the trees I saw Jace wearing a matching forest green shirt and black pants. I blew a breath of happiness as I looked around the area. The only other people in the clearing were my mum, Luke, Simon and Maia and Jace’s side of the family; Maryse, Robert and Isabelle and Alec. Behind Jace was the member of the Clave that would be marrying us.

I walked swiftly towards Jace; in a very non-traditional way might I add. I saw the glint of a smirk printed on my lover’s face when he realised that I wasn’t following the rhythms tune of music.

And ‘cause I was just so inpatient to marry him.

 When I had reached Jace, we linked both of our hands together, facing each other like nothing but us was important. I saw Jace mouthed, “I love you”. I smiled and mouthed “me too”, as I tried to fight back the tears that were already bubbling up.  As we faced at turned to the members of the Clave, it final hit me that as I actually marry him, for so long I thought that we could not have been together like this, if so then not in public. Not in front of our family and friends either. And definitely not in front of the Clave.

 But this was before we knew the truth about us. When my mother told me that Jace was no blood brother of mine, but the missing Herondale son, I just wanted to scream until someone died and cry with joy and shock at the same time. After so long of doubt and heartbreak, we were here, standing beside each other, waiting to get united as one.

“Do you, Jace Herondale—”

“Lightwood,” Jace interrupted suddenly in a harsh voice, as I felt the smiles of the Lightwood’s behind us.

The Clave nodded at Jace. “Do you, Jace Lightwood, take Clarissa Morgenstern—”

“Garroway,” I interrupted proudly not wanting this day to be spoilt by the memory of my father Valentine Morgenstern. I heard sniffs next to me and saw my mother, strong and a killer Shadowhunter, crying. I can’t remember the last time she did cry, but it definitely made her look fragile a look that was very foreign. I wanted to cry along with her at that point.

I heard a chuckle coming from Jace, and just saw the wink he gave me, before the member of the Clave cleared his voice and started again. “Do you, Jace Lightwood, take Clarissa Garroway, to be your lawful wedded, wife? To love and to cherish, for better or worse, for sickness and health, ‘till death do you part?”

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