1.How you meet

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You were sitting in one of the train compartments all on your own, thats how you liked it in fairness, not a lot of people talked to you, they always considered you the weird kid, so you were often on your own with only yourself to keep you company.
It was your first year of hogwarts and you were feeling extremely nervous, your hands fiddled with your skirt while your gaze was fixed on the green scenery passing by, you were deep in thought wen you herd a knock at the door, after the third know you finally noticed and looked up to see a boy with brown eyes and golden brown hair standing there.
"I hope you don't mind, but theres no other compartments available" you smiled and gestured your hand towards the seat in front of you "go ahead" he smiled back lightly and sat down, you couldn't help but notice how he's face was littered in scars and that he was clutching 'hogwarts a history' to his chest.
"My name is Y/N" you finally said, cutting the awkward silence.
"I'm Remus Lupin" he extended his hand for you to shake with you gladly did "nice to meet you" he said.
"Nice to meet you to."

You'd herd of James Potter of course, everyone had, but you'd never properly talked to him, sometimes you accidentally bumped into him in the corridors but that was all really you'd never properly talked, until now.
You were sat in the gryffindore common room reading a muggle book your mum had recently sent you. You sat there peacefully, enjoying the book wen suddenly it was pulled out of your hand "these looks boring" the thief said sitting down next to you, you looked over at him annoyed and noticed the circular glasses and ragged hair, belonging to the annoying James Potter.
"Its not actually, and i would like it if you'd give it back" you said grumpily, trying to grabbed it back from him but he only held it higher, he lazily draped one arm around your shoulder, making you look at him suspiciously.
"What do you think your doing?" You again tried to reach for your book but he pulled you back down against the sofa.
"I'm bored, Remus and Petter our in lessons and Sirius is in detention" he replied, looking at you with his signature smirk.
"So you decided to come annoy me to pass the time?" You asked to with he laughed and nodded.
"Yep pretty much" you sighed and leaned back further into the couch, you had a feeling that these was going to be a long afternoon.

You slowly walked down the long corridors of Hogwarts, in your arms you held at least 7 books, an exam was coming up soon and tonight you were going to spend all night revising for it.
You turned a corridor and suddenly felt a body collide with your own "hey watch it" you yelled angrily looking up at the person, you were met with bright brown eyes, the boy in front of you had shaggy black hair and big grin plastered on his face, you knew who it was nearly instantly. Sirius Black, brother to Regulus who was in your house.
"Sorry slytherin" he retorted back, bending down and picking up all your books before you could tell him not to, he pushed them into your arms so you stumbled backwards slightly.
"See you around" he winked at you before quickly running down the corridor.
"No you won't!" You yelled after him, only hoping you would.

Sirius's one is crap cause i wrote it in the day, if i had wrote it at night it would be ok.
Hope you liked it, first time ever doing a how you meet.
Loves yall

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