2. First kiss

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"Y/n!" James called from the bottom of the tree you sat in, he had been annoying you a lot lately so you decided to ignnore him completely, you were sat at the top of the tree while Sirius, Remus and Petter sat against it and James stood right were he could see you.
"Y/n! Please come down!" You turned your head, looking in the other direction "if you don't come down, i'll climb up" you herd sniggering down below before everything went silent. "Ow!" You turned your head to see James clinging to one of the branches and Sirius trying to push his feet up.
"Do they ever stop" you called down, looking at Remus who in reply shook his head "never".
After another few funnily long moments, James finally manage to reach the branch you were sitting on, you glared at him and turned your head, you herd him grunt as he shifted his body, his rough hand gently grabbed your chin and made you look at him.
"Don't think i'm going to forgive you that eas-" you were cut off by his lips against yours.
For the first few seconds of the kiss you didn't react at all but then you slowly ran your hands up into his hair and closed your eyes.
His lips moved slowly and gently against yours, in a way you never thought possible coming from him.
After a few more seconds he pulled away and pressed his forehead against yours "forgive me" he breathed, your eyes were still closed but you could tell he was smiling.
"Get a room you two!"

Sirius had attempted to kiss you many times, sometimes in front of his friends, sometimes wen its just you two but you always stopped him by turning away our just by pushing his lips away.
You were worried you were just another notch in his belt like all his previous girlfriends, but after four weeks of dating, Sirius couldn't take it anymore, he's urge to kiss you was just to strong.
You were siting under the 'marauders' tree as James called it, waiting for all the boys to arrive, normally Remus would be with you, both of you having long debates about muggle things and magic things but today he was studying so it was just you enjoy the summer heat.
Your eyes were closed but it didn't stop you hearing the footsteps approaching "hey boys, i thought for a second you weren't going to show up" you said not bothering to open your eyes, everything was quiet before you suddenly felt a pair of lips on yours, without thinking your hand went up and hit the person hard around the cheek, you quickly sat up and looked at him only to see it was Sirius.
"What the hell y/n?!" He yelled angrily, clutching his red cheek. "I'm so sorry!" You said, cupping his cheeks, he looked you in the eyes and then his gaze drifted down to your lips then back up to your eyes.
These time you were the one to start the kiss, pressing your lips as softly to his as possible, the feather like kiss didn't last long as he pulled your closer and kissed you slightly rougher.
After a few minutes of your intense kissing he pulled away.
"See that wasn't so bad was it?" He said, smirking, you hit his arm before pulling him back for another kiss.

The corridors were full of people, heading to there lessons our just enjoying free time, it was hell, you barely made it to your classroom, then you proceeded in having the most boring lesson ever of magical history.
Your boyfriend Remus wasn't having any better of a day.
The pair of you had known each over for over two years and about three weeks ago had finally became a couple, giving James and Sirius new ways to torment him.
In with today they talked non stop about how you and him still hadn't kissed.
"Its obvious that y/n is the dominant one in the relationship" James said smirking, watching as Remus rolled his eyes and stood up "were you going, moony?" Sirius asked as Remus already began his climb back up to the castle "Y/n class has finished by now, i'm going to go see her".
"Hey, Moony, give her a kiss from me" James yelled making all three marauders laugh and Remus scrawl.
He entered the castle and made his way to the secret room behind the painting of an old man.
He knew it was your favourite place to go after lessons, the small circular room calmed you down, the hole walk up the long flights of stairs all Remus could think about was was what James said 'i can be dominant' he thought as he stepped in front of the painting.
"Dumplings" he said to the old man in the painting, the man smiled and licked his lips "my favourite!" The portrait opened and he quickly walked in to find you stood in the centre with a book in hand. You looked up and smiled at him "hey Remus, whats up?" He stepped forward and before you could realise what happened he smashed his lips against yours.
Seconds after your lips meet they were gone before you could attempt to kiss him back, he stood there blushing red "sorry, i shouldn't have done that without your per-" you cut him of by bringing his head down to yours and kissing him, his lips were soft against your and moulded perfectly together in a passionate kiss.
You both pulled away for breath and blushed deeply then laughed.
"I liked that, we should do it again sometime" you said winking before opening your book again to read, leaving him still red in the face.

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