Perfect [Timids]

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They met when they were 13, and clicked instantly.

Drew walked down the hallways that he was way too familiar with for his liking. Stopping at the noticeboard in the performing arts department, hoping to find a sign that read 'BAND IN SEARCH OF BASSIST', it never did but Drew never gave up hope. He stared at the noticeboard for a few more minutes, gazing down the casting for the schools most recent production of 'Romeo and Juliet' when he heard a noise. A strangled cry to be exact. Drew straightened from his slumped posture and quietly crept to the end of the hallway, peering around the side to be met with a group of boys, four of them, stood over a boy cowering on the ground.

"I-I'm sorry!" The boy cried, face hidden behind his shaking hands.

The group laughed.

"Now, what should we do with these, boys?" One of the boys said, whirling around an object in his hands. Drew stretched his neck out, trying to see what he was talking about.

"P-Please, they're my only pair!"

The boy holding the object smirked, and threw it to the ground, stomping his foot over it and walking away. Drew noticed the boy flinch as he heard the crash of his possession being broken, and chuckled when he saw the stranger stick his middle finger up at the groups turned backs. Drew waited until the group had turned a corner then, walked silently towards the boy, who was now hunched over his broken object mumbled profanities towards the group.

"Hi. Are you okay?" Drew uttered, shyly.

The boy looked up at him, expressionless. Drew's eyes widened. He was beautiful; sandy blond hair covered his eyes slightly, as he flicked it to the side with a quick turn of his head, shaping his face perfectly. His eyes were a breath-taking chocolate brown that made Drew never want to look away and his pink plump lips curled up into a smile, tempting Drew to kiss them greatly.

"Umm, y-yes, thank you." The angelic boy replied, blushing slightly.

Drew nodded and crouched down next to him. Drew felt attached to the stranger; he wanted to know everything about him. He stared at the perfect boy as he gracefully picked up the smashed object, which appeared to be glasses - at one point in its life anyway - and sighed.

"These are my only pair." He mumbled.

"Maybe you should invest in contacts." Drew replied, gazing down at the item in the boy's shaking hands. The boy looked up at Drew and giggled, nodding in agreement.

"What's your name?" They blurted out in sync. Drew nodded to the boy to go first.

"S-Shane." He said quietly.

"I'm Drew." Drew replied, holding out a hand. Shane took it gladly and shook it. Drew blushed as he felt tingles shooting up his arm from the contact.

At age 14, they were closer than two friends ever could be.

"Come on, Shane!" Drew called from his place in the Sumner household's hallway.

"I'm coming, one second!" Drew heard from upstairs. He rolled his eyes in response. Drew waited impatiently, relieved when he finally saw the familiar blond haired boy run down the stairs and scramble around the hallway for his shoes, shoving them on his feet without untying the laces.

"Ready?" Drew asked, as Shane struggled to put his hoodie over his head, messing up his hair which he only brushed a few minutes ago.

"Yep!" Shane replied, enthusiastically and he opened his front door, calling a "Bye!" to his Mother as he left. Drew called a "Goodbye, Mrs Sumner!" as he followed Shane out the door.

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