Chapter One

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 It's supposed to be a time of fun and no worries. A time where year long romances die and summer flings bud like flowers in bloom, only to shrivel away as the first signs of fall appear.

But most of all, summer is supposed to be a time for new experiences. Unfortunately, for Nicki, it wasn't like that at all. To be the star of a summer romance, you need a name, an identity. Something she didn't have. She was just Nicki to some, but Andrea's best friend to most.

She was a sidekick, and she had to wonder how Robin felt being the shadow to Batman or how Watson felt being that to Holmes. If she had to guess, she'd say it felt terrible. She didn't know what it was like to be labeled for her actions, but for Andrea's alone.

It'd been that way for ages too, but it didn't mean that she had to enjoy it. It was a title she held for a significant amount of her life ever since they'd met in school in the first grade. And it wasn't that she  didn't love Andrea either. Andrea was her best friend. It was just discouraging that her identity was so defined by someone else's. 

But it also wasn't that much of a surprise. In her opinion, she hadn't really done much to define herself. She wondered if not for Andrea, would she just fade into oblivion completely?

She shook her head. It shouldn't be that way for her. She was seventeen years old. It was time for her to blossom, to start forming into the young woman she aspired to be. School was out and summer break had just begun, and excitement was just waiting around the corner. But then if that was the case, then why was she sitting at a beach crowded with people and still feeling so alone.

 Of course Andrea was with her, accompanied by her boyfriend for the time being, Ben. Andrea always has boyfriends. And was Nicki jealous? Of course. When you mention Andrea, you always get a reaction, whether it's disdainful looks from teachers or horny teenage boys cheering when she walks past, at least she's known.

There's a clear face to put to to her name. A little recognition that she's always taken for granted. And then, when you mention Nicki's name, you get a shrug. Sometimes the person might go silent for a moment before suddenly exclaiming that they know who she is and asking if she's the girl who always sits next to Andrea at lunch. quietly eating and nodding along to all of her friend's stories. 

So clearly, school was miserable too for Nicki. Of course, summer hadn't really proven yet that it would be better, and she was already starting to lose hope. It'd only been a week since break started, and she was actually wishing school wasn't out.  Now she didn't have the excuse of homework or tests to get out of third wheeling with Andrea and whoever her newest suitor may be. 

She sighed, tilting her head back so the sun would hit every inch of her skin.  It was extremely warm on the beach. It felt nice burying her toes in the hot grains of sand. But then she hears a girlish scream and glances up to see Andrea and Ben play fighting over to where her towel is resting on the beach. 

It's not as enjoyable when they come back. Andrea lays down and he follows like a lap dog. They don't even care that Nicki is right beside them, peering curiously as they slant their lips together and kiss. 

Is it bad that sometimes she just gets so curious as to what it is that makes Andrea so special and what she could do to be like that. She examines her friend for a moment, assessing her features and listening to the loud, but cute ring of her laugh. 

If she really thinks about it, Nicki guesses it's not surprising that guys would flock to a pretty latino girl with hazel brown hair, tanned skin, a skinny waist, and generous "assets". Still, past that, she couldn't see the appeal. Andrea wasn't some sort of deep thinker or someone who could sit for hours listening to another person's problems. Nicki was her best friend, but as the years passed, she noticed Andrea's depth had faded along with the tide. Maybe personality just didn't matter anymore and the only thing guys were after was sex. That upset her for some reason. 

Look At Me {Dricki}  ((((HEAVY EDITING))))Where stories live. Discover now