Have Each Others Backs

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"Time to fuck shit up!" Ashley hollers as we pull up to the street of the party. There were cars parked all down the road since the driveway was full. As we walked up towards the huge house there were already people in the yard drinking or smoking.

"Welcome ladies." Some drunk guy slurred as we brushed past him to get into the house. I noticed him eying Ashley hungrily and quickly shuffled us into the house. The parties we went to weren't always the safest. There have been countless rumours of girls getting things slipped into their drinks., being taken up stairs just to "talk", or being sold something that will "make all your worries go away". That's why me and Ashley stuck to the biggest rule. Rule number one. Have each others backs.

"Wow I didn't expect so many people!" Ashley hollered over the thumping base. We pushed and shoved our way toward the kitchen declining down guys who wanted to dance and avoiding people who looked like they were trying to have sex instead of dance.

"Are you serious? Do you know how many of these kids parents are at my dad's charity right now? They're all in the same position as I am!" I explained as we finally made it into the kitchen.

There were an assortment of drinks all over the kitchens island but me and Ashley chose shots to start us off.

"On three?" Ashley asked.



I threw my head back as I took the shot. The nasty vodka burning down my throat. I could already feel it burning in my chest and stomach.

"Another?" I just wanted to be drunk and shots were the fastest way.


6 shots and a beer later and I was feeling great. I was on the dance floor dancing with some guy who had been eying me all night. His hands ran up and down my sides roughly grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"Fuck you're hot." he growled into my ear. He grabbed my waist even tighter I was afraid I might bruise.

"Could you maybe not grab me so tight?." I huffed and pushed his hands off of me making my way off the dance floor.

"Where do you think you're going?" He slurs into my ear and grabs my hand roughly dragging me back agaisnt him again. 

"Away from you!" Ashley comes out of no where and pushes him away from me.

"And who the fuck are you?" he spits at her

"Her best friend and I suggest you leave unless you want my heels to connect with your balls, ass hole!" She yelled at him making a few people look our way. 

Noticing people starting to stare, the guy walked away but not before flipping us both off.

"Wow Ash where did all that come from?" I turned to her and noticed she was slightly trembling.

"Liquid courage but it seems to be wearing off. Let's get out of here!"

We made our way to the front door and called for a cab.

"My place or yours?"

We decided to go back to my place to pick up my clothes and then we'd quickly head to Ashley's. 


My house was no better than the party. There are cars parked everywhere the only difference is that these are much more expensive. I slightly tripped out of the cab but Ashley grabbed my arm before I could fall.

"Wow you're still drunk?" she laughed. 

"You only took two shots so yes I'm still drunk." I remind her. I release my arm from her grip and wobble my way up the stairs to the front door.

The house is oddly silent, but then I remembered everyone must be in the backyard.

"Okay let's just be in and out. I don't want your mom to see you like this. And we're not even supposed to be here!" She whispers as she makes her way upstairs to my room.

My plan was to follow her but there were so many untouched drinks in the kitchen just calling my name.

Me and Luke would always sneak into the kitchen while all the guest were outside. Both of equally hating the charity event which was just an excuse for all the snoody rich people to throw their money around.  We would sneak drinks and bring them up to my room and watch old films until we passed out.

"Fuck." I sighed and downed more wine too drunk to hear the back door opening. 

"Candice what the hell are you doing here!" 

I jumped and quickly turned around and noticed Lisa standing before me. She had that look in her eyes. The that meant "fuck I'm screwed."

I couldn't find anything to say and stood there with my mouth hanging open. I was caught, just like a kid sneaking a cookie from the jar before diner. Lisa stood there with a cold look on her face tapping her foot waiting for an explanation. I could almost hear the grears turning in her head as she eyed my too tight dress which barely covered my ass. 


I awkwardly pulled my dress down.

"I knew it! I knew I should have sent you with someone more responsible. That Ashley girl is no good." She shook her head. 

"Don't blame it on Ash it's not her fault! Going out was my idea!" I huffed turning away from her back to my wine.

"I thought we were done with parties and drinking Candice. Especially after what happened." She tried taking the wine away from me but I snatched it back glaring at her.

"No! Shut up! You don't know anything!" I yelled at her

"I know Luke wouldn't be proud of this Cands." She tried. 

"No fuck you! You're not allowed to say shit like that! You don't know me and you didn't know Luke! And stop calling me Cands that's not my fucking name!" I shouted. 

Lisa stood there shocked with her mouth open as if she was about to say something but I ran out of the kitchen and into the back yard crying so hard I could barely see. I knocked into a waiter caring a tray of drinks and they all fell and broke loudly. 

"Shit I'm so sorry!" I appologized wiping away some of my tears. 

The waiter gave me a tight smile and began to pick up the broken pieces of glass. When I looked up it seemed like the party stopped and all eyes were on me. 

"What you've never seen glass break before?!" I yelled at the lady nearest to me. She was just standing there with her nose turned up like she was so much better than me.

I turned back to the waiter and grabbed another glass and dropped it harshly against the ground shattering it into tiny peices. 

"What? What the fuck are you staring at? Don't look at me disapprovingly when all your kids are out drinking at a party!"  Now the whole party was staring at me. All conversations stopped and I could see my father across the lawn and if looks could kill...

Suddenly someone grabbed my hand but I flinched away.

"It's just me babe. C'mon lets go." Ashley cooed and led me from the backyard and back into the house.

"Come on let's go to sleep." 


I never understood how people could go to sleep in minutes. I stayed up for awhile thinking about literally everything before I started to fall asleep. I rolled over and noticed Ashley still awake too.

"Can't sleep?" she turned to look at me.

"Nope. I messed up didn't I?" I pouted thinking about the event earlier. After me and Ashley made our way upstairs no one came to bother us. I expected Lisa and my dad to come and yell at me but they just went to bed after the party finally cleared out.

"You were just drunk. We all lose itsometimes, but they'll get over just like they did last year." 

"I sure hope so." I sighed and turned over to look out my window at the bright moon.

Little did I know they definitely weren't getting over it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2013 ⏰

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