I'll Protect You From Yourself

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Running through a vast endless landscape of darkness and despair, Simon found himself being chased by the same molevelant being that now haunts his once peaceful dreams. Panting for breath as he slowed his pace from the evil being in close pursuit, he fell onto the ground. He tried to get up off of the ground, but couldn't find the strength to move a single inch. The figure walked up slowly and grabbed him by the throat as it lifted him off the ground using one hand to display his strength. The being looked into his eyes as an evil grin spread across it's face and it began to speak.

"I thought by now you would realize that there is no escape from me. I am you. I'm all of the darkness and fear manifested in the furthest corners of your weak pathetic mind. There is no escaping from your destiny. We both know that you'll come to your sinces and accept your fate, one day."

"N-no, I refuse to believe you. You're nothing but...but a nightmare. Even if you were real, I'd ne-never let you see the light of day." Simon stated fearlessly as the evil figure tightened it's grip around his neck.

"Aw, how touching. You really think that you have the ability to keep me at bay? I'll just have to prove you wrong! One day, when you least expect it, I will take over and when I do there will be nothing that anybody can do to stop me. Until that day, I'll let you think you're in control as I call the shots from the shadows." He mocked sarcastically.

Simon awakened from his fearful and restless slumber with tears streaming down his cheeks. Alvin sat by the window looking outside appearing to be lost deep in thought. Alvin was brought back to reality as Simon started gasping for air. He took one look at his brother's condition and ran to the kitchen to retrieve a glass of water.
He handed Simon the water and questioned cautiously, "Did you have another nightmare?"

Simon took a few sips of the water and replied, "Yeah, and they keep getting more vivid almost as if they're real. I really want them to stop, but I don't know how to make them go away."

He started coughing so Alvin turned on the bed side light to see if everything was alright with Simon. There was a visible hand print across his throat that neither of them could explain or even wanted to talk about. Both brothers sat in silence as the rain outside fell hard beyond the comfort of their room. Alvin knew that what had been occuring was more than a nightmare. No bad dream could cause visable trauma to the body where once there was nothing? Despite Simon being the more reasonable of the two, even he had to think that it was something paranormal, beyond the understanding of science and technology.

Over the past month, they had tried praying over him, putting a cross above his bed, and even splashing his face with holy water. Despite their efforts, nothing seemed to rid Simon from the dreams and physical torment that continued to evolve with each passing night. Simon spent multiple nights in his lab trying to invent something or find some mixture of chemicals that would remedy his situation. After countless failures, he began to slowly lose hope for any form of resolution.

A flash of lightning struck near enough to their location for them to feel the vibration and hear the deafening sound that made them jump out of their skin. Simon wrapped his arms around Alvin's torso the moment they heard the crack of the lightning. The power to the house went out less than a millisecond later. Alvin was thankful that the power went out so Simon couldn't see the blush spreading across his face.

Alvin held his younger brother as he stated, "Don't worry about anything Si, I'll protect you no matter what. I'll always be here for you."

Simon questioned as he nearly lost his composure, "Would it be okay if I slept with you tonight? I'm scared and I don't think I could fall back asleep."

"Y-yeah, I d-don't mind." Alvin stammered. Simon threw back the covers on his bed and Alvin laid next to his brother. "Good night." Alvin said to Simon. "Goodnight." Simon replied as he moved closer to the refuge of his older brother.

Alvin summoned all of his courage and proclaimed, "I love you Simon...and I always will." He gave Simon a gentle kiss on the cheek that made them both blush.

Simon fell asleep within a few minutes while Alvin remained lost in thought. The past month Simon had been absolute hell for both of them and gradually became worse. Alvin had to keep his own feelings at bay while he helped his little brother through the sleepless nights and tears. It made his hert ache, having to watch helplessly as Simon seemed to lose a little more of himself every night. Most of the time, he barely managed to sleep and couldn't help but wonder what entity had been causing his younger brother so many issues. He began to slowly stroke Simon's cheek as he slept. This caused him to smile as he slept. He wanted nothing more than to hold him and protect him from the world and himself.

Alvin whispered, "Simon, I love you and I wish you could love me the same way. You're my whole world and I don't know what I'd do if anything were to happen to you."

The next morning.

Simon awoke slowly to find he was still being sheltered by his older brother. It was unlike Alvin to act as the responsible older brother Simon wanted so desperately for so many years. When he did act as such, he savored every moment of it. At times, it worried him when Alvin was polite and caring towards him after so many years of being picked on by him and so many other people around Simon throughout his life. The fact that he was usually treated as an outcast never bothered him much. Over time, he came to accept the fact that he's not like the other boys in his classes. While most were preoccupied with sports, a new-found interest in girls, and rough-housing, Simon was nearly a polar oppositte. Most days, he would spend his time reading or working on some invention that he would abandon and come back to at a later date.

"Good morning, sleepy head. How'd you sleep after your nightmare last night? You had me worried, for a while." Alvin questioned solemnly as he politely stared at Simon and patiently waited for his response.

Simon yawned and replied as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, "I slept great, thanks to you. I don't think I would have been able to fall asleep by myself. I do want to know one thing though..."

"Ask away, bro." Alvin retorted as he mentally prepared himself for whatever Simon might ask him.

Simon took a deep breath and began, "W-why did you kiss me on the cheek last night? And why have you been so nice to me here lately? I'm not trying to offend you or anything, but this type of behavior isn't like you."

Alvin thought for a moment before he responded in a caring tone, "I just don't like seeing my favorite brother feeling like this. I love you and I'd do anything to keep you safe and to see you happy."

Alvin thought to himself, "I want to tell him so badly, but I don't want to freak him out. I wish that I knew how to tell him without hurting what we have now."

Simon continued, "I like the new you more than the old you. You're much more caring and compassionate. I'm so happy that your my older brother."

Simon wrapped his arm around Alvin's side. The eldest took an unsteady breath and stated, "I just thought I've been so childish over the years and you've always been the responsible one when I should have been the responsible one all along. It's just time for me to show that I can be the older brother you deserve, since I've never been good for much of anything other than getting us into trouble."

Alvin dared not to tell Simon about how he had been acting the past few weeks. He had to keep an eye on his little brother all day every day to make sure he didn't hurt himself or anybody else. At times, he witnessed Simon being the most caring person in the world and then he would turn into a completely different person. The other person was dark, cold, and distant from the world. He feared the other side of Simon. He promised himself that he would never speak a word to Simon about the night he tried to attack him with a kitchen knife. The thought of the polished metal balde made him shudder in fear. Alvin wanted to point out Simon's recent behavior, but feared the repercussions of telling him. Until he could find the safest way to tell him, he continued to hold his brother. Alvin couldn't help but feel bad about the way he's treated Simon over the years and he wanted to take back every bad thing he's ever said or done and replace them with good memories, regardless of how long it would take to make things right between them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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