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SUMMARY: I had been growing increasingly more used to feeling these almost-human emotions over the years, but this... This was something utterly bizarre and bewildering. I felt lost in the situation, once again a helpless student to another one of Life's lessons. (Rewrite of Robin's birth from Slendy's POV)

TIMELINE: Chapter thirteen of "A Slender Child"

GENRE: Angst/ Family

NOTES: We get to hear from Slendy!! :D

Helplessness was not a sensation I was used to hosting. Emotions in general were things that I'd lack for the majority of my long existence. The emotions I did know were hard, and usually un-beloved by most others. I'd known hate very well - it was as known to me as lust was to a human predator - and anger went almost hand in hand with that. My only version of happiness before was a twisted, perverted symbol of what most others saw it for. A few years prior to now, my greatest joy was found in killing, which was fueled by hate, which was fueled by anger. As any who has ever felt true happiness can attest, joy found in destruction is not a true happiness unless you are simply and utterly mad; however, this particular false prophet of happiness leaves you feeling rather lost afterwards, with no exuberant thrill or remaining buzz.

These where the only emotions I had been used to encountering within myself, and yet I'd started to grow accustomed to a few others over the past several years: desire, concern, jealousy, possessiveness, fear, love, and true, honest happiness. The cause for this sudden influx of feeling could be contributed to none other than the very woman who now was introducing me to the unfamiliar sensation of hopelessness. I had no one else to blame but my little Sky Olivia Steele.

That was a lie, honestly - I knew that in actuality the criminal was me. I would not have to feel so miserable - so lost - if I had only taken the elementary precautions. She was broken - dying - and it was no one's fault but mine.

Since first realizing I loved the little human, I'd wondered if, and how, I would kill the soft creature. Would she die by my tentacles wrapped constrictively around her neck when my self control slips over my anger? Would it be my claws that ripped through her flesh when I forgot myself and had just meant to caress her? Would it be my razor edged teeth that bit into her body if my monstrous desire over came my control one day? all of these scenarios had seemed very possible - probable even - but I never once imagined the true way that I would kill her. To put it poetically, I killed her with love, but poetry was not appropriate for the situation as there was nothing pretty about what I had done to her, albeit indirectly. She was dying, and it was my own demonic spawn growing in her belly that was killing her as it fought its way out.

The hospital we were in smelled of blood and death - all hospitals did - and it wasn't a smell I was unused too. However, unlike most every other time I'd breathed in the aromas, they did nothing to comfort me, especially as the closest source of the smells was emanating from the fragile human who lay in the bed I paced in front of. She moaned softly and her body stiffened as a contraction took her, and I rushed to her side, taking her shaking hand in mine.

"Be strong, my Sky," I whispered, brushing my hand over her forehead and moving her hair out of her face. I poured as much of my healing power into my touch as I could, hoping at least to take away some of her anguish, but it was in vain. My powers weren't designed for this.

Hushed voices caught my attention from the corner of the room, and I looked up at the medical staff. I could taste their unease - they knew the birth was complicating.

"Is something wrong?" I wasn't quiet sure why I bothered asking. Of course something was wrong.

The human females looked up at me. Momentarily I was struck by how unusual it was for their eyes not to widen in fear once gazing upon my person. My disguise, while a simple one, was obviously enough to fool their meek minds. The believed me to be human beneath my hood and glasses. Idiots.

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