This is my story. Everything you read is real, nothing will be exaggerated or added in. Every detail is true and happened. I'm writing this story for three reasons only. 1. I feel the need to document what happened to me. 2. Two of my close friends are telling me to write about what happened to me. 3. What happened to me.. no one should have to go through it. No one deserves it and it's absolutely awful. Even a taste of what I experienced, no one should have to experience. But it happens. And I'm here for you, you're loved, and I promise.. there's a way out. Let me know if you ever need anything.
Trigger warning. Please read this book with caution. Stop reading if you feel that it's influencing you to act in a negative way towards you or your life[style].
Thank you.
Randoman autobiography I hate capitalization and perfect grammar/punctuation so you won't see it often trigger warning if you have questions, comments, concerns, or need help you can contact me by my email address, just message me first :)