The German and the Swede (PewDiePie Love Story)

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Chapter 1

Beep, beep, beep. I groaned audibly and buried my face into the fluffy pillows on my bed at the sound of the alarm clock going off loudly on the bedside table. It was way to early for me to so much as even think about getting out of bed! It was merely five in the morning, the darkness was still prominent outside the bedroom windows and not a sound could be heard... other then that damned alarm clock of course. With a heavy sigh I rolled over, away from the warmth of my beloved bed and slammed my fist down on the snooze button of the clock. For a moment I really hoped I hadn't broken another one but when blissful silence soon filled the room the thought was completely forgotten. As I rolled onto my back for a moment of relaxation I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom and I couldn't help but smile despite my sour mood from being awoken so early. Today was special. I was moving in with my best friend Janet today and I was very excited. I hadn't seen her for probably two years now and I missed her dearly. We had always kept in touch with each other well over long phone calls, text messages, and video chats but it was never quite the same as being able to be together in person. Janet had left for Sweden not long after college to pursue her acting career and for a general love of the country itself. While I had stayed here in Germany to spend some time with my Mother after college. It had broken our hearts when we had to leave each other but it was for the best so it had to happen. We promised to be roommates one day and finally after a long wait our wish was coming true. Today I was leaving to move in with her and it was a big move. Moving to another country was a bit scary but I was also excited to be going. I needed some excitement in my life. In fact I remember when the decision for me to move in with her was made. It had started out like any other day about three months ago, Janet had called me late one night for a conversation however this time the conversation was a bit different than usual.


I was sitting on my couch in the darkness of my living room playing my newest video game while my cat Blueberry lay on my lap. The game was a breeze for me, just another typical horror game. You know the ones; you find your character stuck in some haunted building with limited resources, no allies, and a million fucking jumpscares. Nothing new. This particular one though was well made and all the jumpscares had actually been getting to me. My hand had subconsciously went down to pet Blueberry, kitten therapy, when the intense moments were would occur. He would simply purr softly and cuddle closer to me. So needless to say when my phone started singing the Nyan Cat song loudly all of the sudden it scared the living hell out of me. Not to mention my poor kitty. I screamed loudly and nearly threw my controller across the room. My hand instantly went for the phone to quite the ringing and once my suspicions of who was calling were confirmed I quickly answered.

"Jan! What the hell?! You nearly gave me a heart attack you know!" I yelled angrily into the phone. I was answered with a loud laugh to which I frowned deeply at.

"Haha! I caught you in another heated gaming session, eh?" She made no effort to hide the humor in her voice.

"Possibly..." My frown deepened. She knew me well.

"Don't try to lie to me, Jen. I see right through you!" She said, still amused.

I huffed loudly after recovering from the scare she had inflicted and readjusted myself on the couch while picking up the things I had knocked over. "Yeah well at any rate. You usually don't call this late at night, was there something you wanted?"

I could practically hear the smile in her voice at this point. "Actually yes! You know I've wanted us to live together for a while now and just yesterday I overheard at work that the game developing company nearby was going to be starting a new project in a month or so and they're going to be hiring new people for it. So I think you should send them a resume and when you get the job you could come and live with me! We'll finally be roommies!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2013 ⏰

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