Famly Reniuon continuing

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Armand arrived at his right hand man Tre'Vontae house as he parked his all black Mercedes in front of the two story brick house.
His white and black Adidas hit the concrete as he stepped out wearing an all white polo shirt light blue jeans toped off with a white polo SnapBack he closed his door as he pressed the lock pad to his car.

Armand headed to the door and walked in where he was greeted with a dap from Tre'Vontae.

"What's popping cus your ass finally made it" Tre'Vonate said as he lead Armand towards  the back of his house were his mother was located.

"MA" Tre'Vontae screamed

Tre'Vontae mother turned around she was a lighskin woman with the most prettiest colored hazel eyes she was in her mid forties but looked  as if  she was only in her early twenties, the saying was true black doesn't crack.

"Boy I outta punch you in your damn mouth I told you bout all that screaming" Mama Joyce turned around smacking Tre in the head, Joyce screamed with excitement  as she looked up to see Armand.

Armand was like another child to Mama Joyce.

"My baby" Mama Joyce said as she pulled Armand into a big hug.

"Damn mama why you never so happy to see me" Trè said as he looked at his mom feeling a little bit of saltines run through his body.

"O boy hush and go sit in the living room with your cousins and let me talk to Armand" Mama Joyce said.

Trè smacked his lips as he headed towards  the living room were the rest of his family sat.

"Smack your lips again" Mama Joyce said as she picked up the closet object that was closet to her which was an empty soda can.

"That damn boy, oo he just makes my ass itch" Mama Joyce said as she continued to finish  up the food,

Armand shook his head chuckling

"So Armand how have you been doing have you found you a girl to settle down with" Joyce asked as she washed off the cabbage before she started to cut them.

"Good, and nahh not yet" Armand spoke as he sipped on a orange soda.

"Sorry I'm late traffic was long" Cawest spoke as she walked in the kitchen giving her mom a kiss on the cheek.

Armand took this as the time to admire Cawest him and Cawest met before, but that was before she became this big time model, and was only seventeen,

Damn her glo up was real Armand thought as he checked Cawest out.

Cawest turned around as she met Armand glare she gave him a friendly smile as he returned the same.

Mama Joyce looked at the two as a idea popped in her head.

Behind The SmileDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora