Chapter 21- Life At Harvard

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College was definitely a lot more challenging and demanding than high school had been. The MBA marketing and financing courses I took over at the business school were extremely difficult, but I managed to do pretty well.

Most people would find it quite boring and stressful, but being the math whiz that I was, I had no problem with all the calculations we were required to do, especially the ones that involved the stock market. My GPA was still up at a 4.0, and I hoped that it'd stay that way. Who knows, I could even get out of college with my Master's degree in four or five years instead of six. It'd sure take a lot of work and effort, though.

The NHL season had been back on ever since last month. Even though Tyler was constantly at practice with the Bruins and away during their games, he still kept in touch with me. I hadn't seen him since that night outside my dorm after the Sox game, and god did I miss him.

Just two weeks ago, the Bruins had a home game here at TD Garden against the Capitals, but I unfortunately couldn't make it. An exam had been scheduled for the following day after that game, so I made it a priority to stay in my dorm and study. I still called Tyler to wish him luck and they ended up winning, so that was good.

When Thanksgiving came, I drove down to Boston to spend it with my uncle and aunt. They were looking forward to meeting Tyler and I told them that he'd be in town soon. The thing was, whenever I had free time, Tyler was somewhere other than Boston. That made it even more difficult to see him.

My parents had found out about my relationship with Tyler just last month when I finally decided to tell them. Like Aaron, my mom had been shocked at first, but in the end, she was happy for me.

"See, I knew guys would be chasing after you over there," she had said.

On the other hand, my dad didn't handle the news so well. He told me that dating someone with a reputation like Tyler was a huge mistake on my part. We argued for what seemed like forever, with me defending Tyler the whole time. In the end, my dad warned me to be careful and not fall too fast for Tyler, even though I'm pretty sure I already was.

It was a cold and snowy Friday evening in December. Savannah and I had been invited to a party over at the boys' fraternity. She had a major crush on Andrew Wendell, a linebacker for the Harvard football team. He was a junior in college this year, along with most of the other people here. There were only a few freshmen and sophomores, including us.

"Hey, Christine," I heard a familiar voice say.

I turned towards the door to see Damon Parker standing there with his friends, Sean and Drew. Damon was one of the few guys I knew that succeeded with both academics and athletics. Not only was he the smartest guy in his marketing class, but Harvard also named him one of the best quarterbacks of the season.

His goal was to take over his father's business once he got out of college, which I thought was pretty fascinating. We had become close friends ever since we first met at a party two months ago. Damon was a sophomore though, so he'd graduate a year before I would. Like me, he was also aiming for an MBA degree.

Being around him felt like being around my older brother. They were both alike in several ways, personality-wise. Their facial characteristics were similar too, but Damon's hair was a more dirty-blondish color.

"Hey Damon, I didn't know you'd be here. How was that test you took the other day?", I asked him.

"I totally bombed it. And I thought four hours of studying the night before would pay off," he replied with an exasperated sigh.

"Hey, don't let it get to you. So what, it was just one test," I said with a reassuring smile.

"True. Man, I really need a break from all of this. Thank god we get a month off after Christmas," he remarked.

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