Blissful Frustrations

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Today was just another day, a rather calm one at that, you were currently at Tsuna's house relaxing and reading a book on the floor while he did homework next to you, this was pretty common since you had been best friends with the Mafia boss for some time and not to forget you were also his next door neighbor. While you continued to read your book you couldn't help but sigh happily at how calm the situation was, no Lambo running around screaming bloody murder because of something Reborn did and making a mess, no Gokudera yelling at him for his antics, nothing, it was perfect and you really hoped it would last but sadly, like most days your hopes were crushed quickly. Soon after you had taken the time to relish in the serenity of the situation, a certain silver haired male barged into the room "Tenth! I'm so sorry I'm late! Uri got out of her box again," he explained apologetically as he walked up to Tsuna and bowed down in front of him.

"A-ah it's okay Gokudera-kun, me and (y/n) were just reading and doing some studying, please it back up," the brunette replied with a small smile as Gokudera nodded and sat up, finally seeming to notice your presence. You took note of this and couldn't help but inwardly sigh at the fact that you knew compared to Tsuna you being there meant nothing to him and that the once calm mood was going to be destroyed soon, you were sure of it.

"Hey Gokudera," you said in a somewhat indifferent manner, you and the self-proclaimed right-hand man got along with each other for the most part, he was annoying but you couldn't lie and say that you didn't like the boy at all. You had to admit he had his good side though you'd never tell him that since you felt it might inflate his ego which in your opinion was already a bit big.

After a few hours you, Tsuna and Gokudera had managed to talk and play some boardgames without any big outbursts or incidents occurring so far which you were happy was the case but for some reason the world seemed to be against you and your hope for some peace as the door to Tsuna's room opened yet again and none other than Lambo, I-Pin, and Yamamoto came in. Once they entered the room Yamamoto grinned at you and the others before taking a seat "yo, what's up guys?" He asked, as friendly as ever as you and Tsuna smiled back, greeting him as Gokudera only frowned and grumbled out a response as well.

While you and the boys began to talk you were surprised once more at how calm things were even though the kids were also here. Lambo was playing with I-Pin on Tsuna's bed and all was fine until Lambo let out a sudden shriek and shot up from the bed, pointing accusingly at I-Pin "Wa! No fair I-Pin, that was Lambo-san's candy!" He screamed as I-Pin got up as well.

"No way! I-Pin won the candy fair and square!" She cried in response making Lambo frown though in the end it turned into more of a pout.

"Then you'll have to pay! The great Lambo-san will get you!"

As he started to run after I-Pin who jumped off the bed and started to run around the room, Lambo let out something akin to a battle cry before following suit as he threw objects at the small girl. The two continued to argue and chase each other around the room making Tsuna panic and attempted to get the two to stop, you coming to his aid soon after. While this happened Yamamoto laughed heartily and commented on how lively the children were but Gokudera didn't seem as optimistic. The boy hurriedly got up, sending a glare the children's way as he started to run after them in an attempt to catch them.

"Get back here you two! You're bothering the tenth!" he screamed at them as you shifted your attention from the kids to Gokudera, attempting to calm him in the hopes that he'd stop chasing them but of course, he didn't pay attention to you at all and continued to chase the kids around.

The chase continued on without showing signs of stopping for a good twenty minutes much to you and Tsuna's chagrin. After ten minutes of the chase persisting you had just decided to give up as there was clearly no point in trying to stop them anymore. Once you gave up you just plopped yourself down on Tsuna's bed and observed them, all you had wanted was to have just one day of relaxation with them but of course it had to end like this. Despite the fact that your hopes had been destroyed for some reason as you watched Yamamoto laugh, Gokudera yell at him and the kids while Tsuna frantically tried to get them to calm down, you couldn't help but smile softly. While things like this were frustrating, you could almost say they were blissful frustrations for they signified the times when you could all be together without worrying about when the next fight will be or when something involving the mafia might come about. So, as the boys all continued to bicker loudly you only watched with a small smile and knew you wouldn't want things to be any other way.

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