Who licked?

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A/N:- Not mine

There was once a little girl. Her parents were explorers, so they used to travel a lot. Now Alice couldn't go with them or she would have to miss her school. So she stayed alone with her pet dog.

At night her dog, used to sleep under her bed and if Alice woke up at the middle of the night then she used to put her hand under the bed to check if her dog was safe. In return her dog used to lick her.

One night her sleep broke, she heard some water dripping. She ignored it at first but when those echo of water drop falling, increased then she could not contain it.

She got out of her bed and went to her bathroom to check. The tap was leaking. She tightly turned it off and went back to bed as the sound had stopped.

As usual she put her hand down for her dog to lick and her dog licked it. She went to sleep after it.

But her sleep was again broken by that same sound. She again went to check the tap. But this time it was closed. She decided to ignore that sound and go to sleep.

Like before she put her hand down. But this time, no lick came. She bent below to check what was wrong.

Her dog wasn't there.

Worried, she went downstairs and in the garden she saw her dog's headless body hanging upside down from a pole, and its blood dripping.

Behind her dog, on the Garden's wall there was a message in blood-


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