Their beating hearts

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Stiles rolled over in his bed to face his husband. The bedside lamp illuminated his bare chest and cast dark shadows over the right side of Derek's face. "Derek, babe come to bed," Stiles mumbled. He traced a finger down Derek's abs and let his hand fall flat against the waistband of his boxer shorts. "I will in a minute just let me finish this page."

A few moments passed before Derek placed his book back on the bedside table and switched off the light. He cuddled back into the bed and wrapped an arm around Stiles waist, pulling him closer. Stiles blinked,  trying to adjust his eyes to the thick darkness of their bedroom but unfortunately it did nothing to dispel the thick blanket of darkness that consumed his vision.

A pair of soft lips brushed against his own. Stiles moaned softly as his hands travelled up Derek's body to wrap around his neck. Stiles always enjoyed these sweet intimate moments he shared with Derek but lately, they were few and far between. Derek worked long hours at the Sheriff's station and with Stiles being 8 months pregnant it was hard to have quiet moments just to themselves. "I love you Der-Bear,"
"I love you too Sty-" Derek let out a loud groan when a familiar scent filled his nostrils "Liam's coming up the fire escape." Stiles rolled onto his back and let out a sigh, a hand coming to rest on his prominent stomach. This was the third time this week Liam had snuck into their bedroom. At first, it was cute and then he started coming every night, each time with a different excuse. Stiles favourite was when he was four months pregnant and Derek was at work, Liam had crawled through their bedroom window and sat there until morning talking to his stomach. In the morning when he woke up Liam had said that he thought the baby was lonely so he wanted to keep him company. Who could be angry with someone so utterly adorable?

Derek's head snapped towards Stiles suddenly, "This is what happens when you encourage him,"

"I don't encourage him!" Stiles squawked. A quirked eyebrow from Derek made Stiles grumble out a reply, "ok maybe I do a little."

The sound of crinkling blinds brought both wolf and human's attention to the window which hung next to Stiles side of the bed. There was a muffled curse followed by a small body falling through the blinds, dragging them to the floor along with themselves. Liam sprung up; his hair tussled from the fall. A smile spread across his face when he saw the sight of his Alpha and the Alphas mate together; it was a rear sight lately.

"Ma, Pa." The beta greeted.

Stiles cooed, "Liam, sweetie what are you doing?" He tried to keep a stern face when talking to the pup but he was so damn cute. If he couldn't discipline his pack mates how was he supposed to discipline his own son? Stiles might just have to leave it to Derek and pull the old 'Don't make me call your father' card. 

Liam scratched the back of his neck, smiling awkwardly as his cheeks turned a vibrant shade of red. "I thought I heard the baby coming?"

"You thought you heard the baby coming?" Derek echoed, "from all the way across town?"

"Yes?" Liam looked at Stiles for some sort of back up but he just lay there smiling at the pup as Stiles ran a hand up and down his pregnant belly. ", since the baby isn't coming...maybe I should stay here just in case he does?" It was a horrible excuse and Liam seemed to know it as well. The pups face dropped, his eyes flickering back and forth between the Alpha and his mate.

The Alpha growled loudly through gritted teeth. Derek threw back the blankets and gestured lazily towards the open space beside his mate. Liam let out a noise that sounded an awful lot like a 'yip' as he dove head first into the bed. He pulled the blankets up around him and snuggled in close to Stiles.

Stiles raised his eyebrows as he gazed over Liam's head at his husband. "I encourage him?"

"Stiles, Shut up."

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