Six more weeks

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Liam poured hot water into the two floral cups on the kitchen counter, watching the tea bags flared up when the water made contact with them. A faint smell of chamomile wafted throughout the kitchen. The corners of his lips turned up at the soothing smell. Stiles had gotten the teen addicted to drinking tea after one of his many attempts at clean eating, which included throwing out all of the coffee and replacing it with tea. However, after a week both of his Alpha's were on edge and ready to kill one another so they made the executive decision to bring coffee back into the house.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around Liam's waist, pulling him back to rest comfortably against a warm, toned chest. A shiver raced up his spine as a pair of soft lips brushed against the shell of Liam's ear. "I just put Elijah down to sleep."
"Hmm," Liam mumbled warmly. He turned around in Brett's hold to wrap his arms around the taller teen's neck. His fingers toyed with the hair at the base of Brett's neck as Liam leant forward to place a gentle kiss on his boyfriend's soft lips. Brett has made him the happiest Beta in the world. He can't imagine living the rest of his life without the other werewolf. He wants to spend the rest of his life with Brett, he wants to buy a house next door to his Alpha's and get married and have children. He wants the picture perfect family just like his 'Ma and Pa' and he wants that with Brett but his eighteenth birthday is still six weeks away and it feels like a lifetime.

"What's wrong?" Brett asked. He pulled away just enough to look down at Liam, eyebrows scrunched together in concern. There was a faint scent of sadness lingering underneath the stench of chamomile. "Nothing," Liam mumbled, "I'm just thinking." Brett's fingers twisted underneath the hem of Liam's sweater. The pads of his thumbs dragged across his sharp hipbones before they dipped into the waistband of his jeans. Brett used this to drag Liam closer towards him so that their bodies were pressed so tightly together that not even a gust of wind could squeeze between them. "Well, whatever you're thinking about is making you upset. I can't help you if you won't talk to me." Liam said. He leant forward, rubbing his nose along the pulse point of the other Betas neck.
"I just," Liam mumbled against the junction of his boyfriend's neck. His lips brushed gently across Brett's throat as he struggled to put his feelings into words. "I just...I don't wanna wait six more weeks. We've been together for four years, why can't we just..." he trailed off, sighing in frustration.
"I know," Brett replied. He moved his arms back around to Liam's back, pressing his palms flat against the heated skin of his lower back. "It feels like forever but it's six more weeks baby, it's going to fly by and then," Brett drew out, rubbing his clothed crotch against Liam's, "we can do whatever the hell we want, whenever we want to." 


Stiles shuffled through the front door, arms lined with shopping bags filled with groceries and clothing. Derek followed after him with his signature sour look splayed across his features, his arms were also filled with shopping bags. A trip to the mall that was meant to take under an hour turned into a four-hour trip that ended with them glaring at each other over a shared chocolate milkshake. "Can you take these up to Eli's room for me?" Stiles asked, holding out two pink shopping bags towards his husband. "I want him to try on everything to see if it fits." Derek placed the shopping bags on the counter before he took the bags from Stiles' outstretched hands. "You're still mad," Derek grumbled.
"I'm not mad," Stiles replied. He turned back to the counter and rummaged through the bags looking for the frozen chickens. "I'm annoyed, there's a difference."
"I was just trying to help."
"I know Der." Stiles turned back to face Derek, one of the frozen chickens held tightly in his hand. "I really do and I love that you're trying to help me but I'm three months pregnant, I'm not dying." Derek moved closer to his mate. He pulled him close to his chest so that Stiles slightly protruding stomach pressed against the Alpha's abs. Derek brought his hands to rest on Stiles' shoulders, feeling the younger man relax under his touch. Stiles usual scent of peppermint and home sent his senses into overdrive on a normal day but paired with the scent of the growing fetus inside his mate was overwhelming. Derek's mind is constantly screaming at him to 'protect', 'protect', 'protect', and sometimes he takes it a little too seriously, like he had today but he couldn't help the overwhelming sense to protect and care for his mate and unborn cub, even more so when Elijah's sent was all over Stiles.

"I know, and I'm sorry," Derek mumbled, "I can't help it sometimes."
"God, don't be sorry," Stiles groaned. He leant forward, resting his head against Derek's muscular shoulder, "Why do you have to be so sexy all the time?"
Derek chuckled, the sound sent shivers down Stiles' spine, "So you thought I was sexy?"
"Like neanderthal sexy...put you in a loincloth and you'd fit right in," he mumbled the last part into Derek's white tank top but his hushed whisper was no match for the werewolves enhanced hearing. A smirk worked its way across Derek's features. He leaned down slightly to brush his lips across Stiles earlobe, "I could strip down to my loincloth now if you want."
"Stiles likey."

"Eww," was the hurried response from upstairs. Both Derek and Stiles turned towards the kitchen doorway, silently cursing themselves.
"I forgot they were here," Stiles chuckled. He pulled away from Derek and turned back to the counter to finish putting everything away.

Meanwhile, upstairs Brett and Liam were cuddling on Elijah's bed while the young boy sat between them watching the Lion king on Liam's laptop. He gasped loudly and slapped his tiny hands over his eyes when Simba slid from the side of the cliff, holding on by just one paw. "No Syba," Elijah mumbled. He fell back against Liam's chest, his head nearly smacking Liam in the jaw on the way down. The teen found himself moving his head at the last second to avoid giving the toddler a concussion. Elijah peeked out from between his fingers every few seconds until Simba was back on solid ground with his paw wrapped around Scar's neck. "Yay Syba," Elijah cheered as he clapped his tiny hands together. The teens chuckled at Elijah's cuteness.

There was a soft rap at the open door. All three heads snapped towards the door. Elijah screamed loudly in excitement at the sight of Derek. The toddler threw his hands up in the air making grabby hands towards his dad. A rare smile spread across Derek's face. He dropped the shopping bags onto Elijah's rocking chair and picked up his son, holding him tightly to his chest. "Dada," Elijah giggled. The toddler rubbed his hands over Derek's stubbly beard. The Alpha placed a gentle kiss on Elijah's nose. 

"How was he?" Derek asked, "did he go down for his nap ok?" Brett and Liam exchanged a wary look with one another before they turned to look back at Derek. The Alpha raised a concerned eyebrow at this. "He was really good until nap time," Liam started.

"He just didn't want to go down. He screamed and cried so hard he threw up," Brett finished.
"Why didn't you call me then?" Derek all but growled. He sat down on the bed beside Liam and shifted Elijah so that he could sit comfortably on Derek's lap. Elijah's eyes were instantly drawn back to the movie playing out on the laptop.

Liam sighed, tangling his fingers in the hem of Brett's shirt, "You and Ma don't usually have time to yourself so we didn't want to ruin your day out."
"You know we don't mind coming home early. Eli's fangs are coming through, trust me we know how hard it is to get him to go down to sleep."
"We know," Brett said, "It's just...with Stiles pregnant again we didn't want to put any more stress on you guys. You both have enough to deal with."
"I'm pregnant not dying!" Stiles screamed up the stairs. Both teens giggled at this. Liam leant back further into Brett's embrace.
"Call us next time, ok?" Derek asked ignoring his husband's wail. They both nodded in agreement, smiles never leaving their faces.

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