Please don't give up on me

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  • Dedicated to VladandTyler CavosandViatori

Hi, my name is Candy Marie Walters i have long black hair, brown eye, and freckles. i'm 16 years old woooohoo!! haha i live with my Brother, and Foster Parents... I've never met my real parents i wish i had though.. My brother abuses me and so does my parents icluding the kids at school it sucks why do tey hate me so much? what did i do to deserve this treatment?

Well right now i'm at the park getting away from my parents and brother. i walked over to the swing and started to swing back and forth when i started to remember my first foster parents how nice they were to me and then how i had to watch them die and i couldn't do anything i looked at the ground as i was swinging with tears in my eyes. i got up and was going to walk back home when someone bumped into me i fell on my back and winced as i hit a rock

"Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry are you alright?" the person asked concered

"Yea i'm fine" i replied sitting up slowly. i looked at the person and saw a man with light brownish hair, dark brown eyes that anyone could melt in.. he was gorgeous but why would he love someone like me with all the bruises and scars i have he's probably rich and doesn't even really care about losers like me

"Like what you see?" he asked cockily with a laugh at the end, i looked down blushing

"i should get going" i said rushing to get to my feet only to fall once again i groaned and he held is hand out, i was hesitant but took his hand and let him help me up

"What's your name?" he asked. as if he really even cared

"Candy, Candy Walters" i replied with a smile

"I'm Vladimir Cavos, But call me Vlad" he replied i nodded slightly and turned to leave but he grabbed me wrist spinning me around to face him "why such the rush to leave?" he asked

"M-my parents are expecting me home" i stuttered back, great now i'm stuttering he's gonna think somethings up..

"well then call or text me sometime i you have a phone" he told me handing me a slip of paper i took it ad nodded walking off being successul this time. I opened the paper and looked at the number smiling to myself that was a close one.

Please don't give up on meWhere stories live. Discover now