I, uh, i think i love you...

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-1 year later-

Well i've been with Vlad for the past year i completely left my 'family' like they cared anyway, me and Vlad have been going all over the place..

"So where to next cupcake?" Vlad asked me knowing i hate that nickname

"Stop calling me that, and i don't know why don't you choose" i replied he strocked his imaginary beard

"how about we jut stay at a hotel tonight, i mean New York is pretty cool" he offered. i nodded and we found a hotel and checked in

Once we got into our hotel room there was only one bed there i groaned

"There is no way i'm sharing a bed with you" i told him he looked over at me and it looked like he wa hurt.... hurt? what were only friends why would he be hurt by that? now that i think about it he as pretty cute and we were pretty close maybe i could let this slide "oh, what the hell" i said he smiled

i jumped on the bed on my stomach and took out my laptop Vlad layed down next to me

"Whatcha doing?" he asked me

"Facebook duh!" i told him like it was the most obvious thing in the world A guy named Tyler Viatori messaged me he was kinda cute but was a total dickhead "ugh you stupid dick" i yelled at my computer screen as if the guy could hear me Vlad looked at me funny

"what was that about?" he asked confused

"Nothing just some stupid guy being a dick" i replied he nodded getting it and then shut my laptop taking it away from me "What the hell dude?" i asked mad that he took my laptop he just shrugged and picked me up so i was over his shoulder i hit his back with my fists yelling at his to put me down he just ignored me

"hmmm, i might put you down if you tell me you love me" he replied i knewhe was enjoying this

"Okay, I love you British boy" i told him giggling

he put me down so i was in front of him. i smiled innocently he shook his head laughing i jumped on the bed again he sat on me

"Ugh! Vlad get off me!!" i tried to push him off but he wouldn't budge i gave up and pouted

"Awwee is the little cupcake gonna pout?" he teased i nodded and looked up at him

"Your a meanie you know that?" i asked he nodded and smiled at me i heard his phone go off and it was in his back pocket so i grabbed it and put in my bra "If you want it come get it, or get off of me and i'll give it to you" i told him he shrugged and tried to reach inside my bra i smacked his hand away nd took it out of my bra "Sicko!!" i yelled at him

He looked into my brown eyes as if he was searching for something, i got a sudden urge to kiss him i was trying to avoid it but i couldn't so i leaned up and pressed my lips to his i was surprised when he kissed back i wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands gently on my cheeks. i felt butterlies in my stomach going wild i knew then nd there that i loved my best friend.. i pulled away for air

"Vlad I, uh, i think i love you

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