Why do they like them so much?

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Kuinsv9 (Nikki Horan): Why does everyone love my bro and the others?

Niall Horen Rox (Ruri Timlinson): Because they're cute, Duh.

Ash Cash Rocks(Ashley Gomez) :Yeah they are handsome.

Niall Horan joined the chat

Niall Horan: Hey guys wadap.

Ash Cash Rocks :Um... when did you learn to say wadap instead of what's up?

Niall Horan : Uh... yesterday?

Ash Cash Rocks :*FP*

Kuinsv9 : Still people in 1D are not that handsome,especially my brother.

Niall Horan : Really?(sad expression)

Niall Horan left the chat crying like a baby

Niall Horan Rox : do you think I should go and make hom calm down?

Kuisv9 : Nah, I don't think so, I always make him cry. He is totally a crybaby.

Niall Horan Rox : O..k lol bye.

Ash Cash Rocks : yeah bye.

Kuinsv9 : bye, now to make Zayn Malik cry.

Niall Horan Rox : break a leg...

Kuinsv9 : no way!

Niall Horan Rox : That means good luck, Jeez!

Kuinsv9 : ok thx

Kuinsv9, Niall Horan Rox &Ash Cash Rocks left the chat

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