I'm in jail and he's my guard

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Haley’s POV


My fist connected with his face sending him down to the floor before he could finish the sentence, my white shorts and green blouse with his blood.

I was sick and tired of his treatment I could defend myself against him now, I wasn’t going to tolerate it any longer.

His cursing brought me back to reality; I could see him standing up now holding his bleeding nose, probably broken from the force of my punch.

“You bitch!!” he said wiping his bloody nose with his hand “You will pay for that you little slut” he went for the phone dialing the police.

I wasn’t going to run away I had enough of hiding if he wanted to report me he was going to hell with me. I went up to my room waiting for the police to arrive calmly.

Let me fill you in while the police take their time to get here.

I’m Haley Montevista I know stupid name so I go by Hals. I’m 18 and just finished high school. I always hanged out with the wrong crowd smoking and drinking sometimes, but they were good friends to me, we were a family.

My hair is straight all the way down to my waist and blonde. I never dyed it, I always liked my hair just like I loved my piercing grey eyes with  violet freckles, I never understood them but I guess it was in the family seeing as my mom had them too.

I had hated my father ever since he threw my mother out of the house and she died of starvation on the street, I know you’re probably wondering why I didn’t help her but trust me I tried but by the end of me trying I always ended up bruised and my skin cut from my father abusing me for trying to go outside to my mom.

Hearing the sirens snapped me out of my thoughts and I went to my door, unlocked it and went downstairs to my father, looking at him with as much hate as I could muster.

The bastard laughed in my face, I just saw red.

"Hope you have fun with your cell mate bitch” that had it, I raised my fist and punched him square in the jaw hearing his neck crack under the force, he just looked at me shocked but I didn’t care if I was leaving this place might as well make the most of it.

I heard the front door opening and knew it was a cop but I didn’t care.

I threw myself at The Man who had raised me with no love whatsoever and punched him anywhere visible screaming my lungs out. I felt myself being lifted from him but I kept punching and kicking at The Man I refused to recognize as my father any longer, I had suffered enough of him.

Next thing I know I’m thrown in the back of a police car, the door closing behind me.

I saw the officer, who looked a little young to be working as a police dude, go up to my dad and talk with him asking him if he was ok. I tried to open the door but to my surprised it was locked (note sarcasm).

I wasn’t going to leave without leaving him unconscious or at least a few scars, I looked at my nails and knew I could leave some memory on him to remember me, that was all the courage I needed.

I pulled my fist back and sent it flying forward to the window breaking it to bits.

The officer and The Man looked at me surprised but I didn’t waste any time, I opened the door and raced to The Man scratching his face leaving deep cuts hoping to leave permanent marks, and punching him as much as I could.

Once again I was lifted but I fell limp in the arms of the boy panting, once I looked at his bloody and bruised face I was beyond proud of all the damage I did.

“That was for leaving my mother to die you bastard” I spoke for the first time to The Man in front of me since my mother had left me and spit in his face. 

I heard another police car come and an ambulance, I snorted looking at The Man while his eyes looked shocked, mad and I could still see the horror he had in them, I smirked darkly at him and elbowed the police guy on the stomach making him loose his hands around me, but I kind of suspected it wasn’t from my punch.

The Man took a step back the horror filling his eyes completely, but I had already done enough and I was tired so I just went to the car with the broken window opened door and went inside sitting down without saying anything to anyone knowing they were all shocked at my little act.

Apparently the young officer knew I was calm and wasn’t going to do anymore harm to anyone so he told everyone to get to work and went to my dad with the paramedics trailing behind

He came to me with handcuffs on his hands and a stern look on his face but I could see the amusement on his eyes. I smiled at him and held my arms out through the broken window smiling innocently at him.

He chuckled at me and handcuffed me, he looked into my eyes and smiled at me patting my hands “You can take them back miss” he shook his head at me still smiling and pushed my hands back inside.

“You are in a lot of trouble you know?” he looked at me in curiosity as if trying to figure me out.

‘Good luck with that’ I thought.

I smirked at him and nodded my head knowing my eyes were twinkling with happiness of finally being able to get out of that hell hole.

I surprised myself when I spoke at him. “Trust me, any place is better than here” I told him talking in my angelic voice and sent a wink his way.

His shocked face didn’t snap out of it until an officer called him over. He looked at me astonished and left with a confused look on his eyes.

I just rolled my eyes, ‘boys, they’re impossible’ I thought chuckling to myself.

I know it’s creepy but I was more than happy to go anywhere that wasn’t near the man who ruined my life, I was still smiling when the young one came back and started the car heading to… I guess the headquarters, but I was too tired to stay awake, today had been a long day, soon I fell asleep content with my achievement, and ready for anything that was to come out at me.

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