14 chapter

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She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me.
"Lola" I smiled.
"H-hey" her voice was weak.
"How are you ?" I squeezed her hand a little.
"W-who are y-you ?"


Grayson's p.o.v;

Oh hell no.....

Is that a good thing or a bad thing !?
I mean the good thing is she forgot all my mistakes.
The bad thing is.....I don't know.

I can tell her that I am her boyfriend.
No what about Ally and Ethan !?

"It's me Grayson"
"Grayson ? Are you my boyfriend ?"
I wish....
Come on Grayson, do the right thing.
"No, we are just friends" I faked a smile.

Shit !!

Suddenly Lola's family came in together with Ethan and Ally.

I walked out of the room and went back into the waiting room. I sat on a chair with my head in my hands.

"Grayson ?" It was Ethan.
"Yeah ?" I looked up at him.
"What's wrong ?" He sat on the chair next to mine.
"It's Lola" tears began to fill my eyes.
"What is with her ?" He put his arm around me.
"It's my fault."
"What ?" He removed his arm.
"I told her that she should watch out but...." I started to sob.
"Grayson it's not your fault." Ethan said softly.
"She lost her memory" I cried out.
"S-she lost her memory !?" His voice cracked.
I nodded and put my head on his shoulder.
"It-it's going to be okay" he put his head on mine.

I tugged on his shirt and just cried everything out. This was probably the worst day of my life.


Lola's p.o.v;

1 week later:

I'm finally out of the hospital.
I still can't remember anything except of my parents.

"Lola" my mom yelled from downstairs.
"Yeah ?" I yelled back.
She didn't answered.
2 min later she yelled again.
"Lola" she yelled again.
"WHAT !?" I screamed.
"Your friends are here."

This woman needs a hearing aid.

I walked downstairs and saw Grayson, Grayson 2.0 and a girl.

"Hey Lola" Grayson 2.0 said.
"Hey....." I waited for him to tell me his name.
"Ethan" he laughed.
"Well, hi Ethan" I smiled.
"I am Ally" the girl said as she hugged me.
"Hey" I said.
"And you are Grayson" I pointed to him.
"Yeah" he chuckled.
"Let's heat to my room." I walked upstairs with them behind me.

"So..." I said as we all sat down on my bed.
"How about we watch a movie ?" I asked them.
They all agreed and I turned on the TV.


We didn't really payed attention to the movie.
We were just talking and stuff like that.
I really like them.
But I still can't remember anything.

"I'll be right back" I said.

I walked out of my room and went downstairs into the kitchen.
I grabbed 4 cups and a bottle with apple spritzer.

I accidentally let one of the cups fall on the ground but to my luck it didn't broke.
I bend down and at the same time a other person did.
I looked at the person and we locked eyes.
It was Grayson.

Suddenly I saw pictures in front of my eyes.....
Pictures from us together in the woods talking with smiles across our faces.

My head started to hurt like crazy.

"Is everything okay ?" Grayson asked worried.
"Y-yeah just a little headache" I faked a smile.
"Oh....let me help you." He grabbed the cups.
"Thank you"

Grayson's p.o.v;

Shit what if she remembers something !?

Call me a bad person but I don't want her to remember what I did to her.


Sorry for not updating this book.
I'll try to be more active here.

Sorry for any mistakes.
I hope you guys like it 🤗❤️


Destiny? || G.B.DWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt