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"Lucy! Watch out!" A salmon haired teen called to his blonde friend. She let out a squeal and scrambled backwards.
"My keys!" She cried, making another attempt to reach for her key belt. A large monster was attacking them. Lucy stretched for her keys, which were on the edge of the monster's lashing tail. The creature's large, scaled tail whipped the blonde mage back. She shrieked in pain as her back came into contact with a tree.
"Lucy!" Natsu shouted in a worried tone as he told his Exceed to put him down. "Happy! Get Lucy outta here!" He ordered. The small blue cat flew down and coiled his tail around Lucy's waist, carrying her into the high branches of a tree.
"Ice-make: hammer!" A raven haired boy shouted, ice forming a large weapon as he swung it down on the weakening beast.
"Nice shot, Gray!" A deep, feminine voice cut in. "Requip!: Heaven's Wheel armor!" Her armor changed from a leopard themed one to a metallic angel armor. Swords rained on the creature, its breath heaving as it struggled to stay up.
"Erza! The wyvern is weak now!" Lucy called from her perch above the team of wizards. Natsu erupted flames from his mouth, defeating the wyvern. Erza made eye contact with Lucy and nodded, quickly snatching Lucy's keys from the dead beast's tail. She requipped back into her normal outfit and Lucy leaped down from the tree to get her belt.
"Thanks!" She called, gratitude shining in her hazel eyes.
"Good job everyone." Erza complimented, gesturing to her exhausted team mates. Lucy gazed at her beaten, worn out friends and let out a sad sigh.
"Huh? What's wrong, Lucy?" Natsu asked, observing his close friend's odd behavior.
"Oh? Uh, it's nothing!" Lucy insisted, smiling brightly. "It's just that I'm so happy to have friends like you all!" Their friend promised, holding her gate keys closer to her chest and tightening her grip on them.
"Job well done, right guys?" Gray asked, holding a glass of wine up in a toast. The team was invited to a formal dinner in commemoration of slaying the wyvern that terrorized the small town.
"Oh, thank you, heroes! For saving my town!" The mayor exclaimed graciously, bowing his head repeatedly. He was short and had a round nose. His hair grayed heavily at the roots and he wore a strange colored tuxedo along with a polka dotted bowtie.
"We only did what was asked of the job description, no need for this extra gratitude." Erza said formally as Natsu and Gray contradicted her words by devouring their meals in a speedy fashion.
"No, no, no! I insist! Please, eat as much as you'd like!" He pleaded, joy painting his voice. Plates piled up by Gray and Natsu and Erza slowly savored the dessert cakes available.
"Lucy? Aren't you hungry?" Happy asked, holding a fish in his soft paws.
"I'm sorry, I don't have much of an appetite right now..." Lucy admitted, deep in thought as she rearranged her plate with a fork. Happy let out a questioning sigh, but said no more.
After the dinner party, the team of friends walked, laughing and talking in the train station's direction. Lucy trailed a few feet behind them, melancholy thoughts disturbing her mind.
"Yo, Lucy! Ya comin'?" Natsu asked, stopping and waving Lucy over. She looked up, dazed and ran over to her friends. The thoughts she had in her mind were gone, for now. They still lingered in the back of her mind. She joked and laughed with her friends, all linking arms until they made it to the train station.
On the train, everyone fell asleep, even Natsu with his severe motion sickness. Lucy was an exception, she stared out the window into the clear, starry sky. Left alone with her thoughts, the depressed ideas returned, strengthened by the silence. She felt her face grow wet with tears.
"Huh? Why am I crying?" Lucy asked to herself. "Oh. It's because my friends are always protecting me, but I can never help them." She realized, sniffling softly. A soft whistling interrupted her thinking and as she looked up, the sadness was replaced by embarrassment. Gray had woken up and looked at her from his seat across.
"You alright?" He asked, gently offering Lucy his hand. She took it hesitantly and nodded.
"I'm fine." She lied, another warm tear sliding down her cheek. Gray put his thumb to her face and wiped away her tears softly.
"No wonder you're in so much pain." Gray said, staring into Lucy's eyes. She returned the gaze but looked away, fearing that he would realize her struggles. "You've got a burning fever!" Gray exclaimed, moving his hand from her cheek to her forehead.
"It's nothing to worry about." Lucy said, her heart aching with every lie she spoke.
"We'll make sure you get some rest once we get back home." Gray assured her. For the rest of the ride, the two friends sat in silence, watching the scenery outside the window slowly becoming familiar. With a faint screech, the train skid to a halt. Lucy and Gray shook the sleeping wizards awake and they all returned to their homes. Natsu walked with Lucy to her home, making sure she got there safely.
"Natsu... Can I ask you something?" Lucy asked, looking down as she balanced on the edge of the river.
"What is it, Lucy?" Natsu replied, detecting the serious mood. She stayed silent for a few moments and stood at a stop by the path.
"Never mind! It's nothing!" Lucy said, wearing a bright smile. "See you tomorrow, Natsu, Happy." Lucy bade her friends farewell and disappeared into her doorframe. She walked inside but couldn't find the strength to turn on the bath water for herself due to a pulsing migraine. Without changing into pajamas, she collapsed onto her bed.
The next morning at the guild hall, Natsu and his friends sat at a table, talking about Lucy's recent unusual behavior.
"You think Lucy's okay?" Natsu inquired as he picked at a piece of cake.
"I'm sure she's fine, but Lucy is a very sensitive girl, so getting a fever may impact her for days." Erza explained, referring to Lucy's sickness.
"We should go visit her!" Natsu said, missing his best friend's company. Happy and Gray nodded in agreement as Erza immersed herself into thought.
"No, she's sick. Let her rest." Erza commanded, her voice stern and loud. Her friends complied sadly, worried about their blonde comrade.
A few days came and passed, Lucy's absence became increasingly more painful to the group of friends.
At Lucy's House
Lucy stood up from her bed and looked out the window. She had recovered from her fever for a few days, but continued to avoid the guild. "I guess I have to go back eventually, even for a little bit." Lucy sighed, stepping away from the window and heading to the bath tub. She turned off the steamy water and gently sunk into it, the water creeping down her skin.
After bathing and getting dressed, Lucy left her home, locking the door quietly behind her. The clouds were gray and blocked out the sun, hinting for rain and stormy weather. Lucy's mood was only worsened by the dreary atmosphere as she approached the guild hall.
She reached the large double doors, their height ominously looming above her head. Lucy put on her best smile before reaching for the metal door handle. Shivers ran down Lucy's spine as cold air blew onto her skin from inside the hall.
"Lucy!" Her friends called, seeing her enter as they turned their attention to the doors. Natsu and Happy dashed across the wooden floors, wrapping the blonde in a tight embrace. Her other friends had gathered, greeting Lucy warmly.
"We were so worried about you!" Erza said, overcome with emotion as she smothered her friend in a loving hug. Gray and Wendy nodded in agreement, a large smile plastered on their faces.
They all rejoiced and had fun for the remainder of the day, despite the weather that raged on outdoors. As the sun started to go down, many of the guild members returned to their homes. Natsu and Happy accompanied Lucy back to her home, walking in the light rain.
"See ya tomorrow Lucy!" Natsu said cheerfully as they watched Lucy walk up the steps to her door. Their friend's expression darkened for a split second before she replied.
"Yeah, see ya."
Many days passed and Lucy never showed up to the guild hall. Without warning, she had disappeared...

I hope you guys liked the Pilot chapter of this story!! Feel free to Vote, Comment, and Follow! Mostly comment tho ples i love talking to yall okay bye!!

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