7 chapter: party

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We came home and just set on our bed. Silent. It was awkwardly a bit, but we didn't speak.
Then Annie began.
- Cara, I know it's not easy, to be alone, I understand you, but please, try to understand me too...Let's begin again.
   I nodded and  hugged her.

After that everything was as usual but Annie still didn't find how I got my scars.
       We were talking about  all topics we wanted and nothing could be wrong.
In the evening I called Nat. He said that I must tell all to my girlfriend and I  promised him I will, but I won't.

-Hey, Cara! Do you want to go to the party with me?-suddenly Annie asked. She was so unpredictable and I like it.
-Ohhh, babe, I really want but you forbade it to me by yourself, so...
-We'll go together and I won't let you get drunk. Let's just hang up!
It didn't take me much time to think about answer.
  We dressed up and drove to  Miley's house. It's her party today.
     When we got out it was too loud  and a lot of drunkies  were there. Annie went somewhere, left me near the bar what was a big mistake. Suddenly I saw Kendall. She was talking with someone, who looks familiar, but ...I'm so sorry about my freaking memory. They were laughing and I got little jealous about it. No, not that way you thought, I have girlfriend. It was just like I was losing something warm, something important, something I had and something I'm losing now.
-Hey, Cara!- Kendall ran towards me and hugged so hard, that I stop breathing.-Why are you here? Let's go to us! Let me introduce  my new friends to you...-she took my hand and  led me to her company. They were nice, I think.
-This is Joe, Sam, Nick, Courtney and GiGi - I heard Kendall's voice. I knew GiGi Hadid, of course, she's good but  the others were unfamiliar for me. They were smiling to me, and it gave some hope.
- Cara! I'm Joe and I always wanted to meet ya.- This guy was handsome and I think I've seen him somewhere...

I wasn't wrong, this company is good and Kendall is happy with them, but  I still feel jealous inside. I really don't know why. Kendall took my hand again and led (again!) me to the bar. She looked at me.
- Why are you staring at me?- I asked, making fake-confusing face and smiled.-I hope, you don't think how to rape me, haha? Is anything wrong?
     She broke our eye-contact up and looked down.
- No, just...You are here with Annie, aren't you?
- Yes.
- Then where is she?
- Why do you need to know?
-Don't mind. Let's drink something!
- Why, when you're confusing or anything else, you  always offer me to drink something? After same conversations two of us gonna die...- I smirked.
- Cara!
-What?!- I laughed.
-Stop it!- she started laughing too.
-Stop what?!
  We were laughing all together.
-Let's go  back and find your Annie?
-My Annie?! Then, let's go back and find your Joe!- I remembered his name only.
She smirked.
Suddenly drunk Miley came to us with whiskey in hand. She opened her mouth to say something like, ,,Hey, there is a whiskey in my hand! Let's make our-waiting-near-the doors-fans drunk like me?" or anything like this, but instead of it Miley fell on me and all her alcohol got on me too.
- Fuck, Cara, don't stay on my way! I forgot what I wanted to tell you...It was my best idea ever!...Freaking Delevingne...Where is my wiskey?!
  She took some boy and they gone to drink whiskey together.
    I  stared at everyone, everyone stared at me. I still was ,, in whiskey", so... It's been shock itself, really.
    I looked at Kendall, who was staring at me and then giggled with GiGi.

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