The First Date

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I was REALLY busy...Anyway...

You were awakened by the sound of your alarm, 'BEEP BEEP BEEP'.
You sighed and yawned, getting out of bed and stretching.
You walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower, then taking off your sleepwear and getting in, making sure the was a towel to get dried with.

But you didn't know there was a certain monochrome clown watching you. "Hehehe....she looks sexy...hmm..." LJ smirked and he jumped down from the tree he was in and walked into your room, waiting for you to get done with your shower.
After your shower you got wrapped up in your row l and walked into your room, but soon enough you noticed the clown watching you.
"L-LJ?! W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" you yelled and blushed.

"Well, I wanted to see if my little gumdrop wanted to do out, like you know, a date!" He smiled.

"Well, if you let me get dressed, I'll be happy to go, now get out so I can get dressed. I love you." You smiled.
"OK, I'll see you in a little bit." He said as he kissed you and walked out. You sighed and got dressed, picking out something you thought Jack might like.

You took a look in the mirror and sighed again, you forgot to brush your hair and teeth. Soon after you did that, you walked into the living room. "I'm ready~" you cooed to Jack.
He looked at you and smirked. "Let's go, love~" He cooed back.

~Time Skip~
You and Jack were at your favorite restaurant. You ordered your (fav dish) and (fav drink). "Jack this is so much fun!" You said as you took a bite. Jack poked at his food and frowned. Jack got sad because there was nothing with candy. "This is boring, there's nothing I like!" He pouted. You sighed and said, "Wanna go to the candy shop?" "No no no! I want you to be happy!" "No Jack, it's fine, I want both of is to be happy." With that you two went to the candy shop and then went home.

When you got home you gave Jack a kiss and said goodbye. Then you climbed into bed and fell asleep.

=3, well that's done...soooooo.....yeah..

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