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The day who used to be shining without a cloud visible, had now turned into a gray fog with rain coming down as a waterfall. A boy- a brunette ran ignoring the ice cold wind. It felt like he ran into a wall but he was to stubborn to stop. The rain didn't matter, as long as he could run he wouldn't stop. And his body was freezing, which would normally give you a cold later on. But as long as he could run he wouldn't stop, not even for a second to catch his long gone breath.

He wiped away the tears that streamed down his cheeks and keep hearing as a voice called his name over and over again not stopping. And this person didn't stop running either.

He wanted to get away from this person. The person who broke his heart just a few seconds ago wouldn't stop following him.

And this is how it all began:


I hope u enjoy this new story of mine. I'm taking a little break with Kidnapped and Where do I belong since I don't know how to continue them.

But don't give up hope, I will continue with them, but not at the moment.

Sorry if there is any grammar mistake or spelling mistake!

Have a good day, Bye! ^^

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