Chapter 1

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To live in the Kingdom of Camelot is both a blessing and a curses. King Uther rules the land with great power and with the hatred of sorcery. That is why it is a curse for me, living with the power of magic I have been born with, and with the destiny of being the most powerful sorceress in the land.

Having to keep my talents hidden everyday is a hard struggle and I hope that once Prince Arthur becomes King I will be able to use my powers freely.

My name is Arabella Snow and Prince Arthur is my best friend. I have been friends with him since he was five years old and I four. His mother Igraine used to bring him down to the lower village as a young child, she sadly died when Arthur was just ten yeas old, and that is how we met, I was picking flowers for my mother, when he ran into me knocking me down. He helped me up and since then he used to come to the lower village three times a week. The older he got the less he came, as his father started his training and his involvement in the council and his reign over Camelot grew.

The past three years since he reached the age of eighteen years old, I only ever saw him when he came threw the lower town on patrol, and even then he hardly ever had the time to speak with me, he would as often as he could, however it was very little chances and quick conversations if he could.

Uther did not know of our friendship and nether of them knew of my powers. If Uther knew his son was friends with a seamstress in the lower town his would forbid him from seeing me, and he would also probably stop his patrols through the town as well.

My job was making gowns of the highest quality for the Lady Morgana and her maid Guinevere or Gwen as she was known to many. I also maid tunics for the knights, which meant I would often have to make trips to the castle to take measurements of any knew knights. Those were the days I enjoyed as Arthur would tend to meet me at the main entrance and escort me to wherever the knight was staying. It gave us time to catch us and see each other, it was precious time to me and I hope it was to Arthur also.

"Arabella could you come here a minuet?" I heard my mother call, she was visiting for the week before she headed back to a town called Ealdor where she lives.

I must have been day dreaming because as I walked into the main area of the small house we live in, a guard of Camelot stood,

"Arabella I have sent by King Uther, he request your presence in the council chambers immediately" the guard said the minuet he noticed my presence in the room,

"Of course, please after you" I replied and followed him out of the house and up to the royal council chambers, with the thought of what Uther may want from me lingering in my head.

Upon arriving at the council chambers the guards opened the door allowing me to enter.

I walked in and stood in front of the King, "My Lord" I said as I curtseyed in front of him bowing my head,

"Arabella I have a request for you" King Uther spoke, "His royal highness king Odin is to arrive next week, I would like to request a new dress for the Lady Morgana for the occasion"

"Certainly my lord I will get started straight away" I replied, he dismissed me with a wave of his hand, I curtseyed again before turning and leaving the chambers.

As I was walking back to my house I started to think of what design I should do for the dress, I must not have been taking much care in where I was going because I walked into someone,

"WILL YOU -" Arthur stopped his outburst the minuet he realised that it was me he bumped into.

Upon noticing a smile graced his face taking away any sign of frustration it held a moment ago.

"Bella i'm so sorry I should have taken more care in where I was going" Arthur spoke, I quickly curtseyed to him, even though he hates that I do, he was also the only person that called me Bella.

"Arthur it is me who should be sorry, it was me who was too busy daydreaming to take care in where I was walking" I replied,

"What are you doing here anyway, I have no new knights who need armour" he asked,

"Your father summoned me, he's asked for a new dress for the Lady Morgana in honour of the visit from King Odin"

"Oh of course, is there any chance I could get a new shirt made?" he always did this, apparently his seamstress always made clothes that were itchy and unbearable to wear, his words not mine,

"Red or white?" I asked with a sigh,

His signature smirk appeared on his face as it always did, "hmmm red" he replied.

The sound of footsteps approaching signalled the end of our conversation as normal,

"I will send Merlin to collect it in a few days time, will that be sufficient?" He asked, I simply nodded my head.

Arthur pulled me in for a quick hug before continuing on his way to wherever it is he was heading.

As soon as I arrived back at my home I made a start on Arthurs shirt as it was the easiest thing to do and I knew his measurements by heart. I finished within an hour and then made a start on Morgana's dress.

I decided to do a purple gown with a see through purple sleeve, with embroidery across the bust and bottom.

At around 11 o'clock just as I was about to bow out the candles and head to bed, there was a faint knock on the door, my mother had retired to her house a little further down the town just before nightfall, leaving me to work in peace.

Walking over to the door I peaked out of the window to find a hooded figure stood there, however the small tuft of blond hair that was peaking out of the side gave away who it was.

"Arthur was on earth are you doing here?" I whisper shouted at him as I opened the door, and gesturing for him to come inside.

"I ripped my shirt training today after you left the castle and I was hoping you could fix it, if Maura sees another one of my shirts ripped she will have my head" he said,

"Have you brought it with you?" I asked him,

"Actually i'm sort of still wearing it" he admitted,

"Well off with it then, I don't want to risk stabbing you with the needle" I told him, and so he removed his cape, which he was using for disguise.

As he pulled his shirt up over his head, my eyes immediately went to his exposed abdomen, he didn't have a dominant six pack, however he did have a hint of one. I snapped my eyes back to him as his shirt dangled in my face, I felt a blush rise up my neck to my cheeks.

Upon examination I found a cut along the left arm, glancing to his left arm I was relived to see there wasn't a cut.

I gestured for Arthur to take a seat at the table while I made my way over to my sewing supplies and found a needle and thread the same colour as the shirt.

We made small talk, catching up on each others lives as I stitched the shirt, it was a nice easy conversation with no awkward pauses.

Not long after I finished the shirt Arthur returned back to his chambers and left me to sleep.

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